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Word for 2023
There are times and seasons when certain testimonies need to be released to breathe new life into new generations. I feel that God is highlighting the Jesus People Movement and the life of Lonnie Frisbee as testimonies He wants to release to prophesy into what He wants to pour out this year and beyond.
The Jesus People movement was a move of God in the 1970s that came through the most unlikely of people, hippies. Nobody expected God to use this community and many even missed this move of God because they weren’t able to receive through others who looked so differently from them. This movement was messy.
God will pour out His Spirit through those we least expect and we may even be offended by. It is important that we don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. We must humble ourselves to receive all God has even if it comes through a package we least expect. God is also pouring out new wine. We must be open to new wine skins emerging to steward the new wine…
I pray that 2023 will be a year where you love Jesus with everything inside of you and are so overcome with receiving His love, that you freely love others lavishly. May you become known as one who walks with Jesus. May you be marked by Jesus and His Holy Spirit fire like never before, all for His glory.
Read the full word below where you can also get a sneak peak of the new Jesus Revolution movie coming out soon.
Blessings and more fire!
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Save the Date!
Join our next Online School of Revival 3-Day Intensive
Jesus People Movement II
February 23-25, 2023
Registration now open

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