All the world and every person will be affected by God and what He is now doing. Some people and things will be massively changed and others to some lesser degree. Yet all will be changed or altered to some degree. This world and our lives will never be the same again.

RADICAL is a mild descriptive word for this season of Holy God manifesting among us.

Radical responses are required to adjust to that which God is bringing forth in this world.


God’s pure holy love is consuming our lives. It is like our past, and all that we were, and all that we thought we knew, is being cleansed and changed in the glory fire of His love.

I do not have the words to adequately describe the intensity of the awe of His love presence in my chest or the waves of power and glory flowing upon me as I seek to write what He is saying and doing. I am moved by both the intensity and the enormity of it all. And I am not alone, many now and soon multitudes are experiencing God’s all-consuming unconditional love.

When the Love presence of God comes upon us, we must respond. Experiencing the pure presence of God and His perfect holy love vividly reveals how lacking we are and have been in even the best of our past.

There is no defense or debate left in us. When we experience the absolutely perfect, pristine, glorious, total, unconditional, unending beauty of HIS LOVE, we are undone. We are truly sorry for having believed we were such good loving, born-again Spirit-filled people of God.


Repentance is the only acceptable response. All our personal, familial, religious, and national pride is truly felt like filthy rags in the presence of His perfect love.

This Spirit Revival wave of God’s presence of love rolled over me a few days ago here in my home. His love saturated me. My spirit and soul were consumed in His pure love.

After knowing God in Jesus for around seventy years of experiencing love and manifestation of supernatural life and becoming a friend of God, I was overcome, consumed, and swallowed up in a new level of the purest holiest completely perfect love beyond words. I saw all my life as so imperfect and all my works of serving God before now as weak and lacking, in comparison with the manifested reality of His pristine, perfect, everlasting, unconditional, glorious love.


The pure holy presence of the love of God in and with His Bride is the greatest weapon of mass destruction against all evil. It is the pure holy love of God in man and man in love with God that changes us and the world around us. The earth is being filled with the glory of the love of God in His people filling the world with the kingdom of God.

This is the Spirit manifestation of the Lord establishing His kingdom of love on earth as it is in heaven. God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit is present in us and with us. His presence is changing the world.


In love with God, our lives are being brought together as one body of many parts. The differences that have caused separation in the past are melting away. Love is allowing Spirit God to refine our revelation of truth to the mind of Christ. Divisions disappear as we are overcome by His love and become ONE BODY CONNECTED TO ONE HEAD.

Groups, gatherings, and assemblies in the name of Jesus will be wherever, whenever, and however, God in Christ by the Holy Spirit leads.

Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit will lead in all matters in and through whoever is chosen by God to serve in each needed capacity in groups in every city or community.

The gifts of apostle, prophet, shepherd, evangelist, and teacher along with other gifts, will also function in love as long as needed and wherever needed to help the people to be fully connected by love to the one true Head.

We will not join a group but will be led or sent by Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit to connect wherever and whenever.

You do not have to leave one group to connect with another. There is one body under one Head that will lead or send each person to function in groups structured as loving families.

Eventually, all business and governance organizations or structures will function as loving godly families. The world governance will become the kingdom-of-God Family of heaven on earth.

All this and more begins to form now on earth as the love of God from heaven fills the earth with the perfect all-powerful love of God.

It is for this purpose that the called and chosen ones of God are alive in this time on earth.

It is impossible to overstate how big this move of the outpouring of God’s love is on earth and in heaven.

All that has gone before is consummated in the glorious fire of love in the reality of the presence of Father God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit in His chosen people on earth and in heaven as one creation to the glory of God.


Amen, Thank you Jesus!

Ron McGatlin


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