A Kingdom of Love

On February 3, 2023, Father spoke a very impacting word to me concerning the hour we are in and the scheme of the enemy to stop the move of God: “Daughter, My Kingdom is a Kingdom of love! It is built by love, on love, and love sustains it. Those who truly love Us and Our children receive the greatest rewards – even on Earth. Yes, love draws Us from Heaven and brings Our glory.

“The unity and love of the 120 in the upper room drew Us from Heaven to Earth at Pentecost. Where We see love and unity, We abide! Resist every scheme of the enemy to deplete your love. He is a snake, a thief and a deceiver, so be on guard.

“Yes, guard your hearts and minds, because this is his last-ditch attempt to stop Us from pouring Our glory out on the world. If he can get My children to hate one another, then he thinks he can stop Us, but We have a remnant who truly love Us and love one another. That love will draw Us and all Our glory to the world!

“Pray for those who persecute and even hate you, and that will keep your love intact! Stephen kept a close guard over his heart and kept Our love flowing on the early Church. Do the same! That love and forgiveness brought Our glory from Heaven, and it did fall on his enemies! Paul was impacted by his prayer for forgiveness, birthed in love, for those who stoned him to death; and his price – dearly paid – brought glory from Heaven and changed the hearts of his accusers. He followed the example My Son set. You do the same, and you will see My glory fall on all, even your accusers!” (For the story of Stephen’s stoning, see Acts 7:54-60.)

How do we get this love for those who hurt us or our loved ones? Spend time with Love [the Father] daily and soak in His love until His love becomes ours!

Isaiah 32:1-8 describes the wonderful benefits that will come when God pours out His glory on the world. Reading this makes it clear why the enemy wants to stop God from pouring out His glory on us.

Confirming Scripture: “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Justice and Mercy Are Coming!

On February 4, 2023, Father declared: “The wicked shall pay a dear price for all their evil deeds. Exposure after exposure is coming, from the top down. Yes, it shall start at the top, and no one will escape My scrutiny. They that have perverted justice shall stand in My courts before the just Judge of all the earth. They will not be able to manipulate My courts, not influence My decisions, as they have done in the court systems they controlled.

“Harsh were they towards the innocent, but harsher still will be the sentences they receive, because I am just. Justice and mercy are the foundation of My throne. They will receive justice, while My faithful, oppressed children shall receive mercy. My mercy will bring them great comfort and recompense, for all that was stolen from them shall be granted by My swift, just decrees.”

Confirming Scriptures: Romans 1:18-32; Isaiah 2 and 3.

More Than One Trumpet Will Arise!

On February 6, 2023, Father spoke very clearly about what is coming: “My glory is coming fully to the earth. And in My glory, all will see justice and great exposure of all that was done in darkness.

“A great revolution is coming to this world. It will be a revolution against all that is evil and denies Me and My existence. One of My war strategies is being announced: The heralds, like Paul Revere, will arise and call My children to arms. They will wake up those who have been asleep in the darkness of deception. A clarion call will go forth, through My spokesmen, to get to their post, pick up their weapons of worship, speak declarations of faith birthed by My Holy Spirit, assemble in My throne room with My hosts, and bring Heaven’s glory to the earth.

Trumpets will blast! More than one Trump will arise, and My breath will be upon their words. Their words will be Mine, and they will bring forth My will, My way, and in My timing. Pray that all heed the voice of My heralds to assemble and actively participate in this revolution. My goodness, poured out on mankind, will overcome evil!” (Photo via Pxhere)

Confirming Scripture: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).

Father continued: “Lead the troops to battle like Jehoshaphat; assemble the worshipers and boldly declare My words! That was how he won the war he was fighting, and that is how My people will win this battle! Now is the time! The Paul Reveres must be released, cry out the warning and assemble the troops now! Just the cries of the few will impact nations worldwide!

As Paul Revere impacted the world by his midnight ride through the streets, rousing the troops to battle, My prophets and patriots will do the same in this hour, with the same worldwide impact.

(Refer to 2 Chronicles 20:1-30, as it shows Jehoshaphat’s winning strategy to defeat the enemies who were out to destroy his people and his nation.)

God Will Use the Children

On February 15, 2023, while listening to the reports of revival breaking out in two college campuses in Kentucky and Tennessee, the Lord reminded me that He spoke a powerful prophetic word to me years ago about His plan to use children in this end-time revival and outpouring of His glory.

This impacting revelation is from my book, “The Glory of God Revealed,” under chapter 20, which is titled: “He Will Use the Lowly to Confound the Wise.” This is a brief excerpt from that chapter:

“Young ones with the same character as David, Samuel, Esther, Mary, and John the Baptist are once again being groomed by Me for the great final outpouring of My glory. And a little child shall lead them (see Isaiah 11:6). The wisdom these chosen little ones will possess will not be refuted by even the most astute. I will take them from all sectors of society and many nations, and give them a special seat in My Kingdom.”

God Is Dropping Mantles of Worship

During our Sunday service (February 12, 2023), in a vision, I saw God dropping mantles of worship on the shoulders of His people, while Pastor James exhorted everyone to worship enthusiastically with all our hearts, enter the third Heaven and go into the Holy of Holies, right before God’s throne. As he spoke, the Lord showed me all of us worshiping with the angels. Each one of us were before the throne of God with an angel beside us, worshiping right alongside us.

Then, when we were released, the angels who had partnered with us in worship were released to the earth to war beside us by boldly declaring the word of God. The angels were giving us the words to decree and were working alongside us and implementing those declarations of faith. Because the words weren’t ours but were from the third Heaven in the throne room, they were powerful and very effective. This is how our world will be saved. His glory will come forth from Heaven and invade the world. His goodness will defeat evil!

When His army assembles and worships wholeheartedly with His hosts, it will be like the “Shot Heard Round the World” which began the war that won our independence!

Father explained: “Just as significant as the first shot of the war for your independence are the decrees of My loyal, faithful Ekklesia as they rally My troops to worship in the third Heaven!”

When Pastor James was exhorting us that Sunday to worship in the spirit – to leave the second heaven and go before the throne of God in the third Heaven – I heard the Holy Spirit declare: “Paul Revere, a clarion call and the ‘Shot Heard Round the World’.”

Rejoice when you see signs and wonders!

Signs and Wonders Will Be Commonplace!

On January 19, 2023, a few days after being shocked at seeing the glory cloud, while on a zoom call with two pastors in Malaysia, the Lord spoke this word to me: “Be amazed at what you see Us do as you pray and decree Our words, but never doubt in disbelief or be shocked that We did what We said We would do! Rejoice when you see signs and wonders, because it will become commonplace if you continue to believe!

“The days ahead will be filled with the signs of My pleasure in My children, who stood fast and faithful in this war over the world. The enemy has not held back his wickedness and has heaped signs of his evil ways on mankind. Now you will see with your eyes the outpouring of My goodness in many ways, times and places! I am not limited in what I can do to show Myself mighty! Eyes will behold My wonders, and in awe they will drop to their knees in true worship and in submission.

“Not just signs and wonders will become apparent and frequent, but miracles and healings too! Deliverance will be easy and much quicker – and it will be long lasting! My glory makes all things wonderful and easy! Lean on Us in this time of the expansion of Our Kingdom and you will be refreshed and never exhausted! ‘Exhilarated and filled with wonder’ will be your new mantra. Keep absorbing more of Our glory and you will never be depleted in any way!”

After receiving this word, as I was praying with a young man that had attended our Friday evening Glory Gathering, he easily received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. While I was praying for him, I saw a couple of demons around him and commanded them to leave. Instantly, this young man was set free and transformed. His whole countenance and attitude totally changed! Just as the Lord promised, deliverance was made easy in the glory! (Photo via Unsplash)

Fire from Heaven Will Fall!

The next day, on January 20, 2023, Father continued to encourage my faith in what He said was coming: “Fire from Heaven will fall on the masses and lives will change! All the prayers of My children are not in vain. I have heard each one and, like a treasure, I hold them close to My heart. To partner with My Son is the most effective way to live and to pray! By My Spirit, all this happens, so don’t doubt that We are hearing you and are going to answer all you bring before Us, led by Our Spirit. As My Son was so effective because He listened and followed My Spirit, We have children that are doing the same, and they too will be very effective in bringing My will from Heaven to the earth.”

An Amazing Encounter in the Garden of Glory

On January 23, 2023, the Lord brought me in the spirit to the Garden of Glory. “Everything good and beautiful is magnified in My glory,” I heard Jesus say as we walk together in the magnificent Garden of Glory in Heaven. I hadn’t been in this garden for quite a while and had forgotten that the size of all the foliage was so enormous. Though the animals and people I saw were all normal sizes, the plants were huge. A flower was about three feet in diameter, as were all the leaves. The trees were extremely tall and wide. I felt like a tiny creature standing and looking up at all the wonders in God’s special garden.

Jesus continued: “Just as We magnify what is beautiful in this garden that is nourished and growing in Our glory, on the earth, those who marinate and are nourished in Our glory have their beauty and goodness magnified. Gifts grow in the glory! Miracles happen easily for those who live in Our glory. Prayers are quickly answered, and joy cascades on their lives and from them like a wonderful waterfall.

“Just a sprinkling of My glory won’t have this dramatic impact, but the saturation in Our glory will. A daily soaking and visiting with Us will produce what you are seeing in Our Garden of Glory – a multiplication and magnification of all that is good and beautiful in you.”

While visiting the Garden of Glory with Jesus, I saw an enormous bumblebee. It was very fluffy, with yellow and black stripes and very soft fur. Jesus saw that I was amazed and wondering if I was sure of what I was seeing. He reminded me of the enormous butterfly we had ridden together on over the west coast of the USA, and how it had brought us back to the Garden of Glory, where its home was.

Things grow really large in this garden because it is made of gold, representing God’s glory. They are growing in His glory, nourished by His presence. Because the flowers were so enormous, the bee was made very large so he could easily do his job of collecting the pollen. The pollen was carried away by the super bee and deposited to be made into honey.

A week before this encounter, while in the spirit, I saw myself covered in a thick, yellow substance. Now I understood that it was the honey that was produced in the Garden of Glory that cloaked me. Like the oil of unity, this honey held all the qualities found in God’s glory: love, purity, unity, holiness, goodness, wisdom, along with great revelations.

Those who visit this garden in Heaven frequently, by soaking in His glory, are smeared with this heavenly honey. This makes us sweet and flavorful like Jesus. When we speak His words, they will drip like honey from our mouths and greatly nourish all who listen. Healing is in the heavenly honey, as well as deliverance from what pollutes us from living on the earth.

Jesus explained, “You, and those like you who sit in Our courts, seeking Our nearness – Our glory – are bringing the unity and harmony from Heaven to the earth, along with wonderful, sweet revelations and words from Us.”

Confirming Scriptures: “O My afflicted people, tempest-tossed and troubled, I will rebuild you on a foundation of sapphires and make the walls of your houses from precious jewels. I will make your towers of sparkling agate and your gates and walls of shining gems. And all your citizens will be taught by Me, and their prosperity will be great” (Isaiah 54:11-13; see also verses 14-17). Also see Psalm 133.

Donna Rigney
His Heart Ministries Int.

Email: hisheartint@yahoo.com
Website: donnarigney.org

Donna Rigney and her husband Jack are pastors of His Heart Ministries Int., in North Central Florida. They host a Friday evening service at the Church on the Rock in Bunnell, Florida. Donna has written three powerful books. Two of her prophetic books, Divine Encounters and The Glory of God Revealed, detail her many riveting encounters with Jesus, where He took her in the spirit to Heaven and Hell. Donna’s heart’s desire is to impart all of her passion for a life of intimacy with the Holy Spirit, and a hunger for the glory of God. Donna has appeared on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, and also can be seen on Elijah Streams and as a contributing prophetic voice on the Elijah List. She has appeared frequently on her YouTube channel, Donna Rigney Ministries, with other anointed ministers.

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