Shazam, that was the word spoken to me about this year. It was going to be a year of suddenlies, Shazam! Little did I know how true this word was going to be right out of the gate. But in true God fashion, it was not just a word for me personally, it was a word for the nations. Friends 2023 is a year of Shazam, it is a year of suddenlies. What does that mean and what does that look like and what does that produce? These are questions we need to answer to understand Shazam 2023.
Amos 9:13 says, “Yes indeed, it won’t be long now.” GOD’s Decree. Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills.” This is a Shazam scripture that tells us what Shazam means. Blessings after blessings after blessings are going to come from every direction and all at once, changes will happen so fast, we won’t know how to keep up. Now this sounds amazing and it is, but our minds take a minute to catch up with what we are about to experience. Since we have lived in a place of waiting for so long, when it all starts to manifest, our mind struggles to stay in alignment with the new season, the new day. It’s not a lack of experiences, it’s a mindset that must catch up. Our minds must realize we are no longer in a season of waiting, but we have literally walked into manifestation. This new reality will be experienced before our minds fully comprehend it.
Shazam, a movie whose subtitle is The Fury of the Gods, depicted on the silver screen what is happening in the world today. Babylon is falling, the enemy has been defeated and life is about to get better and better and better. The movie is prophetic for those who have eyes to see. Shazam! Suddenly, good news everywhere, life and life abundantly. I know we are not used to this so most can’t believe it, but we are seeing it and will continue to see it at a rapid pace. It is Shazam time.
One final scripture for you to hear, so you can see what is happening. Proverbs 28:28 says, “When corruption takes over, good people go underground, but when the crooks are thrown out, it’s safe to come out.” People are about to come out of hiding, come out of the wilderness, come out of Egypt, come out of Babylon. They are coming out because God is casting out corruption, so righteousness can exalt the nations again. Watch April, it’s going to be the start of a whole new year in the nations, and we are about to see April showers of blessings like we have never seen before. Shazam!!!