There are many dividing factors among people on earth. However, there is one great divide among all humanity. In this age, that one separation is becoming more prominent than it has been in recent history.

Among the many splintering issues, this one major issue is the deepest and core division among peoples of even the same nation, tribe, or family. Even immediate family members can be separated by this one issue.

In a single statement, this one issue is: GOD, IN CHRIST JESUS, IN HUMAN BEINGS BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.

This division will work out in human lives on many fronts, such as religion, politics, romantic relationships, money, control, and other aspects of natural life. Yet, it remains that this one issue is the core reason for all divisions among mankind.

You may be thinking, “How in the world could that be the root or core of all disagreement in mankind?” I am sure glad you brought that up. Let me explain it.

Disagreement that causes disorder and separation has its roots in the lack of unconditional love in the people. Where there is pure holy unconditional love there is wisdom and power that draws people together and there is only one source of unconditional love.

The only source of pure unconditional love is God. Also, there is only one way to be connected and filled with God’s love.

We are only connected to God (Love) through the work of Christ Jesus our Redeemer, Lord, and King. And there is now only one carrier of that love into our lives in this world.

The reality of the living experience of Christ Jesus and His love within us is by the Holy Spirit.

Christ in us by the Holy Spirit is righteousness, peace, and joy as the Holy Spirit fills us with the unconditional love of God in Jesus that empowers us with wisdom and power to live peacefully on earth. (Romans 14:17).

God’s love in us draws us together, heals all wounds, forgives all wrongs, and makes all things work together in the unity of the many different parts of the Body of Christ on earth. (1 Corinthians 13).

The natural man or a religious person without the reality of Christ Jesus abiding within by the Holy Spirit cannot experience the fullness of becoming one with God.

The thought of all things as one seems very unreal without the fullness of the work of Holy Spirit. Natural adamic human beings cannot conceive in their minds at any level, the thought of all things as one.


We will need to go back to the beginning of human culture to grasp the thought of all things as one.

All scientific and natural human understanding explored to its deepest level of origin disappears into a fog of theories.


Simply said, scientifically we may keep breaking things down to molecules and then atoms and then protons and electrons and such, but where does the energy and knowledge and ability come from to cause all things to exist? How does the energy in atoms become molecules of solid or living creation? This and multitudes of other things become a mystery to the most intelligent of natural minds.

The deepest level of the reality of all things of life is hidden from natural mankind. The most intelligent and learned of mankind, in his finest understanding of the micro to the max of created matter and energy, cannot discern the final depth of its origin.

Knowledge fails and ends in mystery to even the most intelligent natural human beings.


All natural and physical creation originates in Spirit. Only by Spirit does mankind and all creation exist. Therefore, only by Spirit can mankind discern and know the deepest reality of the origin and the workings of all life both Spirit and natural.

Only by Spirit God abiding in mankind’s spirit can the deeper reality of the origin and understanding of the deepest significant things of life be discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:10-12).

Ultimate power and wisdom abide in Spirit God. Mankind was designed to be sons of God, endowed with direct communion with God in order to manage life and natural creation on Planet Earth into the perfect plan of God.


Without Spirit God as one with created mankind, man is foolish and can only govern or manage this world and all life foolishly. Spirit God in man sees the life and governance of mankind without Him as foolishness.

Likewise, the natural man without Spirit God sees the life and governance of mankind with Spirit God as foolishness. (1 Corinthians 2:13-14).



Through love, wisdom, power, and the peace of Spirit God flows into man to rule on earth as it is in heaven.

GOD IS LOVE. Spirit God, sent His Spirit Son in a natural body to redeem the world and mankind by the perfect love of sacrificial death on the cross and resurrection of Spirit God living in and with man.

Christ Jesus, Spirit Son of God, after His resurrection and ascension, became a “life-giving Spirit” to now live in all who love Him, to fill the earth with the love rule of Spirit God on earth as it is in heaven. (1 Corinthians 15:45).


All things were one in the one God and were sent into the world of being through the act of creation. God spoke or sent forth the energy and design for all the world, all mankind, and all created things.

All things exist and continue to exist by the power and wisdom of God through Christ Jesus and with the agreement of man.

For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.” Colossians 1:16-18.

All things on earth are returning to be ONE, ruled by the order of God through His love flowing His power, wisdom, and peace into fully redeemed mankind. (Ephesians 1:10).

God with mankind in perfect love is releasing unlimited power and wisdom beyond all understanding or imagination of man to change the world.


This world change has been the design of God in Christ Jesus for over two millennia. God has been waiting on mankind to mature and come into full agreement with Him. The mark of maturity in mankind is the fullness of falling in love with God.

In recent centuries major works of outpourings of Spirit God have been changing some of our religious concepts of seeking God without receiving the fullness of Holy Spirit God filling our lives with love. In short man was trying to please God with religious effort and not by total love by Christ Jesus in the Holy Spirit of God.

Love is causing us to fall in love with Him. I believe there are now more people alive on earth truly falling in love with God than ever before in history. There is a growing remnant of maturing sons and daughters maturing in love that agree with God and His kingdom desires for this world.

Now is the time of the manifesting of the King and His kingdom on earth in and with His people who believe. God will not withhold anything good from those who Love Him.

But as it is written:
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. 1 Corinthians 2:9-10.

Ron McGatlin



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