“God’s Arrows Will Be Released on the Adversary!”
Andrew Towe, Chattanooga, TN

I was about to minister on my weekly broadcast, Friday Fire, when the Holy Spirit said to my heart that the message I had prepared was for another time. He said for me to step aside and allow Him to speak to His people. His message was as follows.

Dipping Arrows into the Fire

“The enemy has launched arrows of attack against My champions. He has concealed himself by hiding in the dark shadows. There has been a conspiracy to take out My greatest champions. I declare now that these shadow man attacks will be exposed and exposed speedily, for I am shining light into the dark shadows where he wars against My people.

“I will defend My children, and they will see the power of My might. Man of War has risen to battle! Satan has attempted to deceive everyone into thinking that he is the one who is winning the battle, but I have set an ambush for him, and all will know that the battle is the Lord’s! I have an arsenal in which I have prepared hidden weapons designed for such a time as this! Even now, I am dipping arrows into fire that will expose the darkness and destroy the enemy’s plots, plans, and schemes.”

You are about to be awestruck by how God moves for you. God is moving for you now, and what He does for you will leave you awestruck! He has heard your cry. He has seen your tears. He is moving mountains that you thought were impossible to move. (Photo via Flickr)

Moreover, the secret attacks that have come from those who should have been on your side will be stripped bare in this season. Keep your focus on Jesus. Don’t look to the left or to the right but keep your eyes on the One who has never left or forsaken you.

Both governmental and Church leaders will be exposed in the coming months, but do not allow yourself to be disillusioned. They were never your answer. Jesus alone is the answer for this generation.

“Can’t you hear their slander, their lies? Their words are like poison-tipped arrows shot from the shadows. They are unafraid and have no fear of consequences. They persist with their evil plans and plot together to hide their traps. They boast, ‘No one can see us or stop us!’ They search out opportunities to pervert justice as they plan the ‘perfect crime.’ How unsearchable is their endless evil! They try desperately to hide the deep darkness of their hearts.” (Psalm 64:3-6, TPT)

A Great Light of Revival Will Burst Forth

Sunday morning, while praying with those who had flooded the altar for prayer, I was taken into a vision. I saw a person standing behind what looked like a giant rubber wall. I saw arrows flying from every direction, attempting to reach that individual, but every time they came near, the arrows bounced off the rubber wall.

Upon seeing this vision, the Lord spoke these words: “I have surrounded My people, and the poison-tipped arrows that have been hurled against them will bounce off them, and no hurt will come to them. I have walled them in, and My favor and protection surround them. Now it is time for a turnaround! Their pleas have not gone unheard. I am flipping the script. The enemy has tried to keep this chapter going long enough. Like a play, I am turning the page. (Photo via PxHere)

“Yes, the scene is turning, and everyone will see it happening quickly. Yes, I said quickly. It will not delay. Hindering spirits are being bound because My people are taking authority and binding them. Angels have been dispatched, bringing divine assistance. I have My arrows that will be released on the adversary.

Get ready for a QUICK SHIFT. Even though a great evil and darkness has gripped the world and is now dominating it, I will declare to it, ‘I AM has now risen!’ I will deliver My people. I will shine upon them, and a great light of revival will burst forth. The dam that has restricted the flow is breaking, and My glory will be seen throughout the earth.

“Awaken from your slumber! The day is here. Watch and see His mighty hand move to expose the shadow man and every undercover attack. Their arrows will no longer hurt you. There is a TURNAROUND that is happening even NOW! Do you not know that the Lord’s promises are greater than satan’s threats? War with your prophecies and the words that He has spoken to you. Remember, your enemy is already defeated, and His Word will be accomplished, just as He promised you!”

“But all the while God has His own fire-tipped arrows! Suddenly, without warning, they will be pierced and struck down. Staggering backward, they will be destroyed by the very ones they spoke against. All who see this will view them with scorn. Then all will stand awestruck over what God has done, seeing how He vindicated the victims of these crimes. The lovers of God will be glad, rejoicing in the Lord. They will be found in His glorious wraparound presence, singing songs of praise to God!” (Psalm 64:7-10, TPT)

Andrew Towe
Ramp Church Chattanooga 
Email: andrew.towe@theramp.org
Website: andrewtowe.org

Andrew Towe is an emerging prophetic voice to this generation! Andrew preaches the Word of God with fire, inviting God’s manifested presence to fall, with signs and wonders occurring in his services. He has also authored a new book titled, “The Triple Threat Anointing.” Andrew and his wife Brooke are the lead pastors of Ramp Church Chattanooga, and they reside in Chattanooga, TN along with their two children. Andrew travels extensively, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Wherever he ministers, lives are changed, faith is strengthened, and expectation is ignited.

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