Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet and alpha is the first.

Four times in the book of “Revelation,” Jesus said, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.” Or “first and last.”

Generation Z (Gen Z) is a term applied by generational scientists in America referring to this most recent generation. Of course, Z is the last letter in our English alphabet.

Spiritually, culturally, and in almost every way life has drastically and rapidly changed from the generation that fought in World War 2. That generation was known as the “Greatest Generation.”

I was 12 years old when the four-year world war was over, and am still here to see “Gen Z.”

I personally believe that this generation will possibly be of even greater significance than the world war generation. It is both spiritually and naturally the darkest ungodly evil and at the same time the most brilliantly glorious light of God in modern history.  


The world continues to increasingly become totally divided. The divide reaching from individuals within a family to communities and to the whole world.

America and the world were never the same again after the time of World War 2. Without going into detail, in the season of great natural prosperity and advancement after the war the cultural breakdown that had begun during the war, continued to further degrade in all subsequent generations.

From the Baby Boomer generation through the generations until the most recent known as “Millennials” and now the current “Gen Z,” extreme change has destroyed the way of life that existed in the world prior to World War 2. There certainly was deterioration in the generations before this season, but it was at a much slower pace.


At the same time, SPIRITUALLY God is massively and now rapidly advancing the reality of His Kingdom from heaven on earth among an ever-growing remnant of people on earth. They have been and are being cleansed of the mixture with the fallen world and are falling in love with God with their whole hearts and lives.

During and after WW2 an intensified light of God began in the hearts of His people. The Pentecostal restoration, which occurred fifty or more years prior to that time, became the advent of Spirit God enlightening and empowering many believers into a greater relationship with God.

Many powerful revivals and renewals with masses of salvations occurred. Outbreaks and outpourings of Holy Spirit began restoring the greater realities of God. These were much like those existing in the first century when Christ Jesus and His disciples were announcing the world-changing new covenant of the kingdom of God on earth in and with His people.


Spiritual reality awakenings to awareness of God in Christ Jesus within His people now on earth are bringing forth God’s kingdom from heaven into reality on earth. This is forever changing more and more of His chosen people on earth.

Religion is passing away in the passionate reality of the presence of God manifest into pure holy love in living relationships with God and with one another in this world.

Striving to do more and to be righteous like God is passing away along with our past strong desires of natural pleasure and riches. Our hearts are changed to a passionate desire to be with God, in love with Him always and in all areas of our lives.

We are becoming righteous by God abiding in us, and He is doing more in and through us than we could ever do by trying to be like Him.

In this place of being in love with God, His love opens the way for His power and wisdom to flow into us and through us.

We are enabled to be and do all that we need to know or accomplish.

Peace floods into our hearts and abides.

We truly have love for one another and can love our enemies as we see and know the vast lack and need in their hearts and lives.

Spiritual wisdom and discernment guide and protect us in the details of life and relationships with our brothers and sisters and with those of the world of darkness.

Much of that which we have fought against in the past is overcome or dissolved by the goodness of the love of God in and through us. Truly evil is overcome by good.

God’s power of holy angels works with us as we speak forth the will of God into that which is before us. The ways and realities of His loving all-powerful rule of His kingdom comes forth on earth as it is in heaven.

The omega of the passing age is also the alpha of the now age of the kingdom of God manifesting on earth.

The “alpha” or beginning of the reality of the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven on earth is the “omega” or the end of the past mixture of partial light among darkness and the grave disorders of past generations.

The passing age that was the season of men mostly believing that Jesus was COMING only in the future to establish His kingdom and reign as King on earth is ending now.

This is the new beginning season of “in LOVE with God” and God IN us and WITH us in His manifest presence. It is also the reality of us IN Christ seated with Him at the right hand of Father God in heaven.

In my opinion, the reality of the fullness of the kingdom of God manifesting on earth is the great message of the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

Now in this time, that the reality of the kingdom of God that Jesus announced and proclaimed over two thousand years ago has begun to manifest in and with His people on earth.


“Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. Revelation 21:2-3.

Ron McGatlin


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