I see what looks almost like a major organizational overhaul or business restructuring, but in the spiritual sphere. The Lord is strategically repositioning His people in new places, assignments, roles, jobs, relationships, ministries – even geographical locations. He is resetting the board in preparation for what He’s about to do next on the earth. He is reordering roles and responsibilities for greater fruitfulness and effectiveness. He is realigning connections and assigning people to new Kingdom teams and tribes.


A “recommissioning” is taking place. It’s almost as if new job descriptions are being drawn up and new contracts are being assigned. Those of you who have served faithfully in this past season will be rewarded with greater stewardship and responsibility in the next. Your capacity and authority will increase. You will carry more weight and impact more people. A greater level of resources will be made available to fully supply your every need. Old limitations are being lifted. You will lack nothing for the work you are being called into.

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!'” (Matthew 25:23)

Unstuck and Unlocked

In places where there has been constant resistance and containment, you will experience an anointing for freedom and breakthrough. Areas that have been stuck, stagnant, or stopped are going to get moving again. Barrenness will be broken. Emptiness will be filled. (Photo via Piqsels)

In this last season, it has often seemed as if your life has been on pause. There has been activity, but without direction or a clear sense of purpose. As a result, you have felt frustrated. You’ve felt unsure about where to go or what to do. You love the Lord, but some of the spark, joy, and passion has leaked out of your life. It’s time for that to change!

“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities.” (Isaiah 54:2-3)

A Fresh Wind Is Coming

The Lord is lifting you out of the valley of constant struggle. He is delivering you from the dry place of disappointment and perpetual delay. A fresh wind and breath from Heaven will enter your weary bones. You will rise again and run with new vigor, direction, and intention. Where vision has been blurry, you will see things with increased clarity. There will be an impartation of fresh, spiritual sight and strategies for expansion and taking new ground. Where there has been confusion, you will receive downloads of supernatural wisdom.

Unexpected Openings

Get ready for some “suddenlies” and a few surprises. Yes, doors and opportunities will open up, but some of them will not be what you were expecting. They may not initially appear all that attractive or appealing. Yet, you’ll find your interest piqued; you’ll sense there’s something in it. Don’t immediately rule it out. Take a second look. Lean in. Listen to the whisper of the Spirit. He will guide you. Pay attention to visions, dreams, pictures, and prophetic words you will receive. They will help bring clarity and peace.

A “Blessed Shaking”

Amid this “Kingdom restructuring,” there will be more shaking, shifting, and sifting. The Father is continuing to remove anything from His Bride that was never His divine design or desire for her. He is discarding old wineskins and dismantling man-made empires. He is demolishing hierarchical institutions and raising up sons and daughters who will carry His glory.

“And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.” (Mark 2:22) (Photo via Unsplash)

Don’t let the change and upheaval unsettle you. It should stir you up. It’s what you’ve longed to see. It’s the answer to many prayers.

“‘I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the LORD Almighty.” (Haggai 2:7)

Days of Glory

The boundary lines are being redrawn. Spheres of spiritual authority are shifting. The water level is rising. Revelation is increasing. Visitation is coming. There is more, so much more…

Remain humble but confident, bold yet dependent, alert but at peace. Press into His presence; His Spirit is your source of life.

Don’t squander this season. Hold nothing back. Pour it all out. The glory days are not behind you; they’re emerging before you!

Craig Cooney
HOPE Church | Daily Prophetic

Email: contactdailyprophetic@gmail.com
Website: dailyprophetic.com

Craig Cooney has been in ordained ministry for 15 years, leading churches in the north and south of Ireland. He is married to Becky and they have a very active nine-year-old son called Elijah, as well as a labradoodle puppy called Henry. Craig is the author of four books: “The Tension of Transition,” “SPIRIT SPEAK,” “I Hear Yahweh,” and “When the Lamb Roars.” His passion is to help Believers to hear God’s voice for themselves and apply God’s wisdom as they navigate through the transitions of life.

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