The Illuminating Exposure of God’s Love
While I was Praying, I saw a great light begin to break out and then I saw within many Churches a violent quaking and shaking, but the walls, windows, and roof remained intact, as they seemed to go with the sway like riding the crest of a wave.
As the shaking continued the foundation was revealed and there were great upheavals, waves, and rumbling.
Then I saw various size cracks open up and break out on the foundation and floor of the Churches. I saw the shaking and rumbling and everything that could be shaken was shaken.
I knew this event was designed by God to release what had been held captive in the structure and foundation of the various Churches so that what was root bound and captive was suddenly clipped by God’s sharp Sword.
The sharp aftershocks continued at various intervals that shook away those things that could be shaken so that they could not remain. I knew within myself that this was a vital part of God’s end-time plan.
The structure had been kept in order for decades of bondage to the former old order and foundation of things. Then I heard, “the old wineskin is breaking” and The LORD said, “Release the old so that the new wineskin can come to hold the new wine of My Holy Spirit, for the former old order must pass away.”
Then, I suddenly saw a great dark valley looking at it from the top of a mountain. I began to see small lights begin to flicker and break through the darkness.
As I beheld the Vision, I noticed there were various degrees of light that were bringing greater illumination and exposure.
More lights began to move to the greater lights and there was a greater exposure of everything in its presence. Nothing of darkness can be in that light, because it shows what is there.
The LORD Jesus is The Light of The World, and a city sitting upon a hill cannot be hidden.
As the Vision continued, the light became so great that others who were struggling with little light began to search out the greater.
I then saw many houses, Churches, ministries joining together in a combined jointly supplied connected effort.
For together The Church will expose everything of darkness and open the eyes of the blind and every sick and afflicted soul.
For where the light of Jesus is, is faith, hope, and love and the greatest is love. And as they joined, they began to move as one and began to take the land that had been held by darkness for many decades.
That absolute light illuminated greater distances across the land from sea to shining sea and it began to take captive what had been held in darkness where the gospel had been hidden or kept within the smaller lights.
The revelation of the combined light effort went and spread a long distance and spread to everything around it.
The call is going forth to come out of the darkness into the marvelous light and Christ will shine in our hearts.
Everywhere the light would emerge, there was the sound of a trumpet and heralded the need to find those who were discouraged and held back and down. These began to emerge into their proper place in God’s kingdom.
The further away you are from the light of illumination the easier it is to be caught by darkness and those things that bring corruption.
It is the time for The Church to rise and shine for her light has come for The Glory of The LORD has risen upon her.
The light is calling out to you today. Come out of the little light and the darkness so that you may be part of the greater light and effort to reach souls.
How great is your light?
People are walking in what light they have, and The LORD is meeting them where they are.
Then I saw people coming out of darkness and emerging from all walks of life with all sorts of hair, clothing, tattoos, and other worldly things and they begin to look at themselves and become tired of the life they have lived.
I see many coming from every direction and as they get next to the Church, they begin to get plugged in and I see fuel and light being poured into them and they become part of the greater light and good of The LORD’s House.
But even if our Gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.
For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus The LORD, and ourselves your bond-servants for Jesus’ sake.
For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:3-6 NKJV)
In HIS Grace and Mercy,