When we know the why behind the what it gives us understanding and removes frustration. When we see the what but don’t understand the why, it can challenge us to the point of not wanting to be involved in that which God has invited us into. We see this in community, family, marriage, work enviornments, churches, cities, nations. People see the what, but if they are not aware of the why, they don’t understand and cannot add value to the what because they don’t understand the why. As leaders we need to be crystal clear in our communication about the why so when people see the what, they can partner with what is being done, what is being asked and what is being built.

God is the most prolific communicator any of us will ever encounter. Now learning His language, character, nature takes time, so there are challenges even with God, not because He is not good, but because we don’t know Him well enough to understand all He is doing unless we invest copious amounts of time learning to hear His voice, see His signs, sense His movements. But when you begin to get in a rhythm with the voice of God, you will start to hear and see puzzle pieces that reveal a picture of the likes we could not have seen or heard if someone had told us. Now with all that said, here is what the Lord spoke to me this morning while praying Psalm 15. “I AM UNLOCKING HUMANITY SO THEY CAN WALK WITH DIVINITY.”

The enemy has bound us, imprisoned us, taken us captive through deceptive philosophies, well crafted arguments, sickness, disease, temptation that leads to sin and ignorance, but God is unlocking us, delivering us, setting us free. Psalm 15 says, “O LORD, who may abide in Your tent? Who may dwell on Your holy hill? He who walks with integrity, and works righteousness, And speaks truth in his heart.” God is inviting us into integrity, righteousness and truth for that is the code that unlocks humanity in order to walk with divinity. My friends, we are going through a door into a world we have only heard about but are about to see, touch, taste and hear. We are being unlocked in order to walk with God again!!!