To America the Beautiful

Prophetic word of the Lord received on June 8, 2023:

“America, the eyes of the world are upon you, but much greater than that, My eyes are upon you! America, rest assured, I have called you for an hour such as this! America, I have called you to be bearers of light in times of darkness. You are called to take My light throughout your land and to the nations of the world.

“America the Beautiful, the enemy has taken full advantage of the compromise in your land to gain access and take ground in your nation for the kingdom of darkness. And I am calling you to take it back with Me now. America, My beloved, I am calling you higher in this hour!

“There is nothing that My Blood has not covered. I have given you authority over such things, and it is within you to walk in it and enforce My Word in this hour. You may think that there is no way out and all odds are against you. Let me draw your attention to the fact that I have never called you to a fair fight. For if it were, you would try to do it without Me and take credit for the victory when the victory is Mine.

“Be prepared, My Beloved, for things that are going to make you uncomfortable, but do not fear and do not lose heart. For I must tear down what is not of Me before I can build what is of Me. I will never build on a foundation that is compromised or not of Me, nor will I share My glory with another.

“There are many sick and dying among you, as you have not properly discerned My Body. Be careful of what you hold onto and who you judge. For it is for Me to judge the heart of a man. How can you rightly judge when you can’t see it all? For there is nothing hidden from Me, and it is I who compromise not! (Photo via Rawpixel)

“Stay close to Me and close to My Cross at this hour. This is not a moment for self-exaltation. I have always resisted the proud and always will. My best paths are through the low places. These are the paths I will meet you on! There is more shaking to come, and it hurts more falling from those high places than if you stay low and remain in Me.

America, I am bringing righteousness and justice back to your land, and as I do, hearts will turn unto Me. Men, women, and children are coming into the Kingdom in unprecedented ways! Prepare for the harvest that is at hand! New wineskins are being released. There are some that will miss it, bound by religion—bound by the religious and political spirits.

“I have come that I may bring life—abundant life! I am holding those to account who will not turn from their evil ways. The crimes against humanity, the warmongering and oppression of My children shall be brought to justice. The fear of My name shall once again be known in the land.

“I beseech you on this day, in this hour, to examine your heart, and come to My throne of grace, and let Me set you free, heal you, deliver you and bring you into the fullness of My salvation and refresh you with the spirit of joy! Let Me behold you as loved sons and daughters. I assure you that you will never be the same!”

Holy is the word of the Lord.

You Are Seeing the Greatest Show on Earth!

Prophetic word of the Lord released on June 11, 2023:

“Barry, tell My people that they are seeing the greatest show on Earth being played out in these days. There is an awakening about to be released throughout the nations that will bring in a harvest like no other. Do not presume everyone is going to make it through. There are many that have rejected Me and have rejected My ways and have given themselves over to deception and evil. They have not heeded My warnings and have not turned away from their wicked ways. Oh, how I have pleaded with them to turn to Me, for it is not My desire that any perish, but all would come unto Me for everlasting life!

“I say unto you on this day, arise and shine, for your light has come, and My glory has risen upon you! Walk with Me in the heat of the day and in the cool of the night. I will lead you and guide you. I will be your strength in times of trouble, and I will be your comforter and your protector in times of trouble. You are not alone, for you are Mine. I will never leave you or abandon you. You will have shelter all the days of your life. I have called you for such a time as this, so do not be dismayed, for we shall walk together into victory!”

Advance the Line!

Prophetic word of the Lord released on June 10, 2023:

For some time, I have been saying, “Hold the line.” Recently during a meeting, one of my dear brothers said, “Advance the line.” It takes great courage as a leader and as a people to move forward, straight into a wave of the approaching enemy. There is a time to stand, and there is a time to march. (Photo via Pxfuel)


As I was praying and meditating on this, the Lord dropped a word on me:

“Barry, tell My people that I am calling them higher. I am calling them to advance! For I know it is easy to want to stop along the path of ascension. You get weary; you grow tired and short of breath. There are places that get steep and difficult to climb. I am aware that it gets narrow and rough, more rugged than you anticipated.

“I have given you places to rest along the way, places to drive your sword into the ground for an anchor—even tying yourself to it, as not to slip and fall back. As you are aware, your enemy does not hold back. He is constantly pressing forward with his wicked schemes, searching to and fro for whom he can devour.

“Let Me bring to your remembrance I have given you all authority to take him out. I am saying this unto you on this day, it is time to move ahead! It is time to take back the ground the enemy has taken! It is time to say, ‘This far and no more!’

“I say to you on this day: Advance the line! Advance the line! Advance the line! Put on the belt of truth! Put on the breastplate of righteousness! Put on the shoes of the gospel of peace! Put on the shield of faith! Put on the helmet of salvation! Pick up the sword of the Spirit!

Receive now My holy fire and anointing upon you! Receive now My anointing to break every yoke! Receive today the light and power of My glory upon you! For it is not by strength or by might, but by My power! Receive it afresh today! Fresh fire! Fresh oil! More love! More joy! More power! Take it! Take it! Take it! Advance the line!

Holy is the word of the Lord.

Barry Wunsch
The Canadian Hammer

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Barry Wunsch is a Canadian prophet and businessman. He has a father’s heart and a love for family and community, bringing words of hope, restoration and healing to many. Barry has a deep love for Canada and the heart of a reformer. He is part of the Frontline Church in Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada, a prophetic community who have gathered the Ecclesia for 20 years, hosting some of Canada’s largest prophetic gatherings. Barry brings words for individuals and regions and is a prophetic voice for Canada throughout social media. He ministers prophetically in meetings locally and regionally across Canada. Barry was born and raised in Central Alberta, and is currently residing in Red Deer. He is married to Judy and is the proud father of two adult sons.

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