The spirit realm is extremely active. Movement is everywhere. It is not frantic or panicked movement, it is activity, strategic organization, movement. It can likened to people making final preparations for what is coming. I can’t even find words for it, other than active. Many moving parts happening in the spirt and it is all for the good news of the gospel of kingdom’s advancement in the earth and the glory of the Lord God Almighty through humanity. Oh how I wish I could describe it.

I speak of what I see so you can look past the present reality to a future reality that has been planned for a long time and is now about to manifest among us. The enemy sees the signs of the future often quicker than many believers do, because it takes spiritual eyes to see spiritual things. Remember the enemy is a spirit, a demonic spirit, but a spirit nonetheless and he wants to disrupt, thwart or delay what God is doing, but nothing will stop what is coming from heaven to earth, nothing, no one.

Many, I mean many, prophets, leaders and well-known people are all saying the same thing. A shaking is coming to the nations. But they all agree, the shaking is for the making of the new era, the new day, the new nations God designed from the beginning. Matthew 24 says, as in the days of Noah, what were the days of Noah, days of a new beginning on earth – Genesis 8. We are living in these kinds of days again. New beginning days, full circle days, but it is coming with a shaking. What will it look like, sound like, feel like, I have no idea, but Hebrews 12:28-29 says what will remain is that which cannot be shaken.

With all of this in mind, Psalm 20:7-8 really speaks clearly, “Some boast in chariots and some in horses, But we will boast in the name of the LORD, our God. They have bowed down and fallen, But we have risen and stood upright.” It is a day of boasting in our God, for the enemy is bowing God is arising.

Mouthpiece Ministries

~ A voice to the nations