In a nutshell, many need to realize spiritually by faith their complete redemption. To be transformed in spirit, soul, and body prior to physical death. To enter fully into the spiritual Kingdom now as victors and live there even while walking upon the earth.

To know and see spiritually their maturity in Christ in becoming mature sons in their glorified body which is revealed by Father. A pressing on further to seek and know Christ and Father in what He purposed from the beginning as heirs.

To this end, He raised up a remnant in whom He affected this complete work through much suffering in dying out to self and this world.

We testify to those who stopped short and the upcoming ones who will believe to press on for their complete transformation. Praying for many to be in the company that presses on further than what has been taught in the previous age.

Woody Winchell


PRAYER- Lorraine Cruikshank

Father would that we come to our new creation completion in our lifetime as mature sons and heirs of the New Covenant promise. Our new creation has its being and life in Christ in His Kingdom. Christ enters us and transforms us in spirit, soul, and body in order that we enter the Kingdom as pure beings.

We can know this in our experience and by revelation in our lifetime. The way is narrow indeed in a wholehearted pressing on to have this complete work done in us. We can know and understand what Father purposed in having a new race of pure beings walking upon earth and in the Kingdom who glorify Him. The scriptures testify to this end; however, it may yet be veiled to many.

Ohhh! That many would seek only Him, love only Him, believe only Him, trust only Him, put only Him first. It takes a lot of letting go of self, our own thinking, and doctrines of men. Revelation is progressive as is His work in us until He declares, “It is finished, enter thy rest of faith” meaning it is completed.

The “firstfruits” which have come forth since the time of Jesus’s resurrection and ascension are sent to testify of this completion in their lifetime. It is not understood because it is revealed and worked within experientially through many sufferings and trials of faith.Many do not believe there is a completion to apprehend by faith beyond forgiveness of sins in their lifetime. Redemption in its completion is not understood.

Open eyes and ears O Lord!

Lorraine Cruikshank

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