DISROBE TO PUT ON – Yolanda Ballard

Some trust in their own righteousness whether they are doing enough for The Kingdom, but God wants us to take off the filthy rags of our own self-righteousness to put on the royal robe of His righteousness that He is giving us.

Yes, we are royalty when we walk in His Will and Ways.

Even when we die to our own will, enabling His will to be done, we are releasing garments of death to put on garments of resurrection power, His light and glory.

Jesus wants to live His Life through us — but all we must do is disrobe who we are, to put on who He is.


The same with Warfare. We must disrobe our way of battling the enemy.

The battle is The LORD’s. We cannot fight using carnal weapons. We must take off what we feel or see and our way of doing things to fight so that we can put on His armor.

When we put on The LORD Jesus, we are ready for battle fully covered. We take off to put on only what He gives us to wear, and we must trust fully in it.

We are not to lean on our own understanding but put on the mind of Christ. Take off our righteousness to put on our breastplate which is His righteousness.

Take off half-truths and mixture to gird our loins with the Truth of His Word.

We are to walk in the preparation of the gospel of peace. We cannot win the lost to Him using our own agenda of manipulation.

We are to only speak what He gives as our Sword and stand behind His shield of knowing we have all that He promised through His saving Grace.

Put on The LORD Jesus

The bottom line is we must die out, take off and put on The LORD Jesus to walk in His Ways enabling Him to live big through us.

Are you walking in the Light glistening in His Glory as warriors or are you settling for less than the best by walking in what some say is the best… religious works?

We are to be an army of righteous light bearers. Take off all human self-effort and put on His Glory.

I will rejoice greatly in the LORD, My soul will exult in my God; For He has clothed me with garments of salvation, He has wrapped me with a robe of righteousness, As a bridegroom decks himself with a garland, And as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. Isaiah 61:10

Yolanda Ballard

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