The desire to be in the know is palatable in the world. It is as though information has become our new fig leaves to cover our nakedness/the vulnerability we feel. If you listen to people talk you know what they are listening to, watching or reading. When Christians know more about politics, the news, or the enemies tactics than they do about God, it is no wonder they espouse fear based theology. We do not get our knowledge about the world, world events and what is happening in the world from watching the news, we get our perspective on these issues as believers by reading our Bible.

The intimate knowledge about the news has thwarted people’s intimate understanding about who God is. Yes He is all knowing, all wise and all powerful; Yes He could with one word change everything as we know it today in an instant; Yes, yes, and yes again, however, what if He had another desire, another way, another plan that we are not privy to, because we do not know Him? What if He actually meant what He said when He called us ministers of reconciliation, ambassadors of His kingdom (2 Corinthians 5:20)? What if, He wanted us to know Him so we could rule and reign with HIm on earth in righteousness, peace and joy (Romans 14:17)? What if He wants us to partner with Him for redemption of the nation, not the destruction of it, so is trying to train our mouth to speak what He is saying, not to echo what the media is telling us?

Psalm 33:8-11 says, “Let all people stand in awe of the Eternal; let every man, woman, and child live in wonder of Him. For He spoke, and all things came into being. A single command from His lips, and all creation obeyed and stood its ground. The Eternal cripples the schemes of the other nations; He impedes the plans of rival peoples. The Eternal’s purposes will last to the end of time; the thoughts of His heart will awaken and stir all generations.” Church things are not getting worst, His plans are awakening nations for all generations. Look again, not at the news, but at Him. Read again, not people’s opinions, but the Truth in God’s word. Stand in awe and wonder at the great work He is doing in our day, it is historic on so many levels.


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