A Night To Remember in Colorado Springs

by | Jul 17, 2023 | Colorado, Fire and Glory Tour, Living Proof Tent Crusades, Mario Murillo Ministries

‘Night one’ under the Tent in Colorado Springs was no simple meeting. It was the beginning of the next level of what God is doing in America.

But, before I tell of all that happened tonight I must tell you about this incredible new tent, which we’ve been anticipating for a long time. The Tent is massive, twice the size of our last tent and able to seat 5,200 people, it stands four stories high at its peak.

I arrived about 45 minutes early. The parking lot was full, and people had parked along both sides of the main road for as far as the eye could see. The Tent was nearly full when I walked in, so as is our custom, we began the service early.

The night began with Catherine Mullins and her team not only leading a time of singing, but rather taking us into the throne room of God. As they sang, the power of God began to rise in that room.

During worship the front altar area was full of young people worshipping God with great abandon. And many of the older people soon joined them. It definitely increased the energy in the room.

When Mario took the stage he gave a word of instruction and encouragement. He said, “Many of you in this room will undergo a mystical, inexplicable transformation in your heart. A force is going to go to work on you and change your mind, your direction, and your priorities.”

He encouraged them that what was going to happen would be the best thing that could happen, and to reject it would be the worst thing they could ever do.

He began his message by telling about when he was in college, living several hundred miles away from home and the traditional Mexican food he had grown up with and loved. He told how a friend invited him to a new Mexican restaurant which had opened, and how he went with great anticipation, only to learn it was Taco Bell.

He told his friends he was sorry for them because they believed that was what Mexican food tasted like. He then added that, likewise, many in the room think they know what Christianity tastes like. But they have no idea how far from religion knowing Jesus really is.

The parking lot was full, and people had parked along both sides of the main road for as far as the eye could see.

He then read Luke 14:16-24, the story of the master who invited many to a supper, but they all had excuses why they could not come. The master got angry and told his servants to go out and compel everyone else to come in so his house would be full.

Mario said Jesus used this as a parable of the Christian faith. He asked, “What made the master angry? The master was angry at what those who had been invited thought was better than his banquet. What is at the table of the Christian faith? The answer to every human heart issue, every hurt, every problem, every sin, every fear, every evil was resolved when Christ died on the cross. Mario asked, “How can you think humanism is better?”

He said the difference between the banquet table of Woke and the banquet table of Christianity is that Woke will not allow itself to be evaluated. It will not permit an opposing view point. The Christian faith isn’t intimidated if it is opposed by another view point. It won’t try to cancel, or erase that viewpoint. Because we know that Christ is stronger than any insult or debate.

Mario told a story about when a professor at UC Berkeley sent him an invitation to debate Christianity. The man was a well-educated person, and his side of the debate was to tell of all the Christians in history who had failed in ministry.

Mario’s argument was that while this man was well-educated and had written many books, when this man has been dead many years and his books and words have long been forgotten, God’s Word will still be real and will still be believed and will still be true.

He quoted Matthew 24:35 which says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”

He told the professor, “You have touched on popes, evangelists, money and corruption, but you cannot explain the eternal power of the Word of God.” He then returned to the parable of the feast and the excuse many use: “You can’t come to the cross because of this thing, or that thing, that you think is better than Jesus.”

He told a story about sitting next to a drunk man on an airplane. This man began to tell about how wealthy he was and how he had so much more than Mario. But the man finally said, “You don’t have what I have, but you’ve got something I don’t have.”

Our lives should be such that the world looks at us and says, “You’ve got something I don’t have.” And they should want it. The child of God carries the presence of God with them.

He told the professor, “You have touched on popes, evangelists, money and corruption, but you cannot explain the eternal power of the Word of God.”

He then turned to the final part of the parable, where the master tells his servants to go and compel the people to come in. The world will tell you that you aren’t good enough, don’t have enough, aren’t enough. The world is cruel. But the man at the banquet said that the food at the table is too good and the need is too great. He then ordered his servants to go out again and compel them to come!

He gave another illustration that is so powerful. If you saw an Amber Alert that a child had been abducted, and then later saw that child alone in a park, temporarily separated from their abductor, what would you do? Would you call someone and say, ‘I think the child is at this location, you might want to consider doing something about it?’ No! You would go and compel that child to come with you and you would whisk them away to freedom.

He said, “I’m not going to make it easy for you to leave this tent without Christ saving your soul!”

After he finished compelling the audience, Mario asked those who wanted to respond to Christ to raise their hand. Hands went up all over. He then had them stand, and then come forward. Hundreds came forward and stood in front of the platform. He then led them in the most powerful, complete, and scriptural sinners’ prayer I have ever heard. He made it clear that Jesus is Lord, and that from now on you no longer belong to yourself, but you are bought with a price. You have been cleansed by the most powerful cleansing agent known to man: the Blood of the Lamb!

No! You would go and compel that child to come with you and you would whisk them away to freedom.

As we so often see, hundreds of people came forward. It was a massive crowd of people desperate to be set free. It’s always such an amazing sight, to see people who were lost and desperate finally have an answer that will free them, will heal them, and will save them.

Mario then directed them to go out to be individually ministered to and prayed over by the many amazing volunteers.

There was a very noticeable shift in the room as God’s presence moved from one of salvation to one of compassion and healing. Mario asked if anyone in the room needed a physical healing, they should raise their hands. It was a sea of hands all through the Tent.

Just as the sun was setting, Mario began to bind cancer. Then declared that kidney disease was being healed. Paralyzed limbs, backs, and joints were becoming freed from pain and wheelchairs were being emptied. “Start walking!” Then: heart disease, diabetes, migraine headaches, intestinal diseases, blindness, lung ailments including asthma, scar tissue, and bronchial issues were being healed by the power of the Holy Spirit all over the Tent. People were laying hands on the sick, and they were recovering!

Mario then commanded the demons that were holding Colorado Springs to be gone. It was not hype! It was a powerful declaration that had total authority and that could be felt by everyone.

After waiting on the Lord for many minutes, Mario asked, “How many of you were healed? Stand to your feet!” and hundreds stood up. Then he asked, “How many of you believe this fire needs to go across America?” The entire audience stood to their feet and a mighty roar filled the air.

He then reminded them that he is just a man who obeys God. That he cannot heal anyone, and everything that had happened tonight in the Tent was to the glory of the Lord alone!

The Spirit of God was flowing so strongly in that room and people were weeping and dancing and crying out. People that had struggled to walk were standing and walking. A man stood up out of his wheelchair and walked across the front of the platform.

Mario then commanded the demons that were holding Colorado Springs to be gone. It was not hype! It was a powerful declaration that had total authority and that could be felt by everyone.

It was very clear that this was all God’s doing. There was no man trying to whip people up into an emotional frenzy and believe something that wasn’t true. People were experiencing relief from pain and restoration in their bodies. I’m certain we will hear many amazing testimonies of what God did tonight as people go to their doctor’s and get checked, only to learn the thing that was plaguing them is now gone.

It was amazing to see groups of people all around the room praying for one another. The energy in the room was so intense I honestly didn’t know how it would not go on forever. But after a while it began to settle down.

Mario then had the people sit down and once they had, he said for anyone who had been healed to stand. People stood all over that tent. Hundreds stood declaring God’s healing power in their body.

The energy in the room was so intense I honestly didn’t know how it would not go on forever. But after a while it began to settle down.

It was an incredible night! I don’t know how God will top it, but I always think that, and He always does. So I’m truly excited for the next three nights.

If you are at all capable of attending I would highly encourage you to do so. There are three nights remaining, July 17 through July 19, at 6:30 PM. You don’t want to miss what God is doing!

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