God Had Something To Say In Colorado Springs

by | Jul 18, 2023 | Colorado, Fire and Glory Tour, Living Proof Tent Crusades, Mario Murillo Ministries | 46 comments

Just as I anticipated, tonight was on a whole other level from last night. God showed up in a powerful way, and He had a lot to say.

Again, arriving at the Tent I found it nearly full and again we started the service early. It is becoming a normal thing. The people are clearly desperate for answers, and they come with the anticipation that they will find it in the Tent.

The night began with Catherine Mullins and her team. As they began to lift up worship, all the young people flooded down to the stage and joined in. It was a powerful sight for sure. And Rachel once again brought fire to the stage.

Mario took the stage and said, “this is a habitation of signs and wonders. If you are here and you were told you were hopeless, I just receive information that has been overruled. God is tearing off the expiration label the devil tried to put on you.”

He moved quickly into a soul winning message. He said there were people in the room that could not enjoy the meeting, and his goal for moving quickly to soul winning was for the transformation of those people.

He read a verse which he said he doubted had ever been used as a soul winning verse.

“There is another serious tragedy I have seen under the sun, and it weighs heavily on humanity. God gives some people great wealth and honor and everything they could ever want, but then he doesn’t give them the chance to enjoy these things. They die, and someone else, even a stranger, ends up enjoying their wealth! This is meaningless—a sickening tragedy…” (Ecclesiastes 6:1-2, NLT).

He said it is a curse that God gives human beings: a life, money, marriage, all the things that you think will satisfy you, but right before they can enjoy them, God takes away their power to enjoy them. This is even worse than poverty.

He told about his granddaughter and how she wakes up every morning, and that it is a lesson in how to live. That she wakes seeing nothing but good things coming that day. She celebrates every breath that she takes. He said, “if I could just learn to pray the way she asks her grandparents for things…”

He said God is preventing enjoyment out of mercy, not judgment. Your separation from God comes because He loves you. It causes Him to interrupt your plans. God messes with your dreams because He loves you. Because you do not want to get good at something that is directing you to hell. You don’t want to succeed at being evil.

He said when you’re not right with God you have no protection from that thief, the Devil. Mario said that one of the greatest thrills of his walk with God is knowing that Christ is praying for him.

If you know Him, He prays for you. But if you don’t know Christ, you are unprotected.

He then read 1 Timothy 6, where it says to command those who are rich in this age not to be haughty, or trust their riches, but to trust in God. Their money and prestige may open doors on earth, but they don’t move God.

“The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it” (Proverbs 10:22, NKJV).

He then called forward all those who are tired of the addiction, loneliness, fear, and confusion, those who want a newness of life, to come forward to get a miracle from God.

It is no longer a surprise, but still a miraculous sight, as the front of the Tent filled with people stretching from one side of the stage to the other and beyond. Mario prayed with them and then had them go out to be prayed over by the many volunteers.

Mario identified a man to one side of the Tent who has had three separate heart attacks, but Mario told him that later in the night he would experience the healing power of God and all the damage would be repaired.

Then he identified a woman who had fallen and broken her hip. She has been experiencing pain in her spine and down into her foot.

Another who had witchcraft practiced on them since they were a child, and that her life has been dark and full of illness ever since. Mario revealed they would both be delivered and healed later on tonight.

Another who was scheduled for surgery for a growth. But that the growth would disappear tonight.

But before getting to the signs and miracles he took some time to speak to leaders in the building. He said that earlier in the day, Jesus had spoken to him. He said Jesus asked him, “Do you want to see miracles this night?”

Jesus told Mario, “You will never see miracles in this setting unless you have committed yourself to advance to what I’m already doing in this city.” He further told him that it was because the work of God did not begin when Mario arrived in town. God was already working, and Mario needed to fold himself into the work already on going.

God said, “Do you want to see miracles? Then find out what I’m doing in Colorado Springs and partner in it, submit to it and advance it.”

Mario said his goal is for every church represented here in the Tent to turn into a nuclear reactor of soul winning and signs and wonders. For the power of God to rise like never before.

He then announced the next stop for the tent. September 10 – 13 in Los Angeles, CA. He told the people he wanted them to get L.A. in their heart. A city that has 60,000 homeless, and 15,000 of them are children. There are about 450 gangs in L.A. That, as of 2005, the last time the police had released a crime report, there were 45,000 gang members in the city.

So as we invest in Colorado Springs, Mario encouraged the people to invest in Los Angeles. If we want God to perform miracles we must be obedient to His word and partner with what God is doing, in every place He is doing it.

Mario next talked about what conservatism needs to do. It needs a wakeup call. We’ve called out the political error, but we are afraid to describe the evil at its root. He talked about how the political systems have been corrupted not just by men, but by demons.

He said when God spoke to him earlier today He said that it can’t just be the four nights and no more. That has to be just the beginning. It can’t be just a meeting, it must become a movement of the Holy Spirit.

“Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word” (Acts 4:29).

In addition to strategic plans to register voters and activate battleground cities, we need to break the demonic power, in Jesus name.

Mario said there are elements of the Bible that the devil must keep separated because when they are together their power produces instant victory. The devil loses a city when the right elements are together.

He told the story from Exodus 17, where the Amalekites attacked Israel. And Moses told Joshua to take the men down into the valley to fight, and Moses went up on to a hill to raise the staff of God over them.

Joshua and the army of Israel had to do the practical work, facing the enemy, drawing their swords, and defeating them. Likewise we need to find out what happened in the election, and why teachers unions are trying to pervert our kids. We have to find out why we are sending billions to defend the border in Ukraine and not defending our own.

But we’ll plateau if we don’t include the supernatural with the practical. Moses went up on the mountain and raised the staff of God over the battle.

He said, imagine what would happen when our intercessory prayer is blended with outreach and signs and wonders.

Moses went up to pray, while Joshua went to attack – and we must attack, but we also need crusades that go into a city and empty wheelchairs and open blind eyes in front of the youth so that they will form another Jesus Movement.

But we’ll plateau if we don’t include the supernatural with the practical. Moses went up on the mountain and raised the staff of God over the battle.

He said, it’s ridiculous to raise the rod of God on the mountain when there is no army in the valley. And it is likewise ridiculous to send the army to certain defeat in the valley because no one is raising the rod of God over the army.

It’s not either or, it’s both and more!

He said there were three things Jesus said to tell the people:

  1. Understand and do not deny the threat, he said America needs something. If we want to get rid of abortion, revival will make a young woman want to keep her baby.
  2. We need to know the cry. He said he can’t trust a Christian that can’t cry out to God.
  3. We need to act, he said he could say all day long how he needed to preach in the Tent, but eventually a day came when he had to get a tent, when he had to plan a crusade. He said, “I’m going to obey God rather than man, but I had to act.” And Mario told the people, they need to act.

And he explained to them that when the power of God comes upon them, they cannot be ashamed. That they need to say, “I am done with this wheelchair, done with this cancer, done with this disease, because the power of God is upon me!”

Mario then compelled the people to be filled with the Holy Spirit, either filled for the first time, or a fresh infilling.

He had them raise their hands and join him praying with all boldness in their heavenly language. The place exploded with the sound of thousands receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit! It was so powerful as the fire of God fell under the Tent!

After praying in the Spirit for a while, God’s presence shifted, and the Lord began to point out to Mario certain people that He wanted to touch and to heal. First the power of the Holy Spirit fell and then it became signs and wonders as He burned out fear and cowardice.

Like the first night, Mario asked the people who needed healing to raise their hand. He prayed over the people, thanking God for His power.

Mario then compelled the people to be filled with the Holy Spirit, either filled for the first time, or a fresh infilling.

He had the people lay hands on those people who were near them who had their hands raised. Groups of people circled up all over the Tent praying for one another.

He called out a woman in the front of the audience who was being healed of seizures and who was now able to walk and move freely across the Tent.

He told the people, “If you couldn’t walk when you arrived here, get up and walk!” And they did.

Next he highlighted one man and asked him what he wanted from God. The man said that most of his body from the hips down was titanium and that he suffered from serious brain damage. Mario asked him if he would walk if he was able. After a time of prayer that man began to walk across the front of the tent, and then began to run up and down the aisles.

Mario then called out diabetes, heart disease, migraines, people with growths in their abdomen, and cancer.

The next moment, an elderly gentleman came walking up toward the front. Mario told the man the first place of healing is in the spirit, and then called out that he was suffering ear issues which also caused balance issues. Later it was revealed he had suffered a stroke as well.

He told the people, “If you couldn’t walk when you arrived here, get up and walk!” And they did.

Another man came to the front carrying the walker he had earlier needed to help him walk. He was holding his folded up walker over his head as he now walked without difficulty across the Tent.

There was so much power flowing in that room, it will be a long time before we hear all the testimonies of what God did tonight. I can’t wait to hear them.

All glory goes to Jesus Christ!

There is still time to be a part of what God is doing. If you are anywhere nearby, you need to cancel all your other plans and come be a part of what God is doing under the Tent in Colorado Springs!


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