Thank you very much for standing with us in prayer. We are at home since monday evening after preaching and equipping God’s people in the below areas of the Eastern DRC :
✓ Butembo,
✓ Kimbulu,
✓ Kitsombiro,
✓ Mambasa
✓ Hutwe
✓ Kanyabayonga
✓ Bikara
✓ Lubango
Our pastors of Mutongo, Alimbongo, Bingi Malera, and Ndoluma joined the meeting at Mambasa.
There are many displaced people in Kanyabayonga who are running away as they fear the war between M23 rebels and the DRC army. And groups of MAIMAI rebels are fighting always in many areas in which we always go for missions.
May you continue to pray for God’s work in DRC.
Pastor Mahamba Wa-ibera Evariste
Founder and Leading Pastor of Ebenezer Evangelical Church International
Democratic Republic of Congo