Picking Up the New

Recently, God said to me, “Get ready to move from this place you have been in, for it is too limited and small and the ceiling has been reached. It’s time to let go of the tools in your hands, your methods and your plans, and receive something fresh and new. For the enemy, knowing in part what I have been waiting to pour out, laid out his plan to keep My people stuck and in limbo, so they would not be able to move where I am moving. But his plan has failed! For in the midst of great pressure and uncertainty, it has awakened a people ready to let go of every last shred of the old to pick up the new.”

The Shaking and Fresh Manna

“I have been shaking My Church to reveal the ruptures needed to break her free from religious mindsets and anything that would oppose a move of My Spirit. And so this shaking is her deliverance and her new beginning. But many have been grieving in this process, struggling to see a future and a hope; struggling to see any silver lining in the ruins of a life that has been snatched from them, but they don’t see what is coming.

“So watch as I pour out fresh vision upon those who have said, ‘Lord, I feel blind and lost!’ For I am going to now open the floodgates of revelation upon the hearts of those who feel empty and starving, and fill them with manna for the days to come. In a day, they will go from scattered and confused minds to clear and bubbling with laughter and joy at the new vision I place in their laps.

“I am so longing to show you what is to come. I can’t wait to give you wisdom and strategies to navigate the current and future events, and lead you in peace and protection. The fear and foreboding that has been hanging over your head, tormenting you from the moment you wake, is now breaking. Every prophecy from Hell that you’ve allowed to taint your vision is, right now, being exposed. For I am going to show you what I see and break off the ‘wilderness glasses’ that have been blinding you and keeping you from boldly taking the territory I have given to you.

“Even right now, your feet are beginning to burn with anticipation, and your heart that once felt numb and broken is beginning to feel the fresh sunrise breaking through, and you will have to see with your own eyes to believe what I am bringing to you.”

“‘Look, you scoffers, wonder and perish, for I am going to do something in your days that you would never believe, even if someone told you.'” (Acts 13:41)

Telescopic Vision and Scrolls

“I am pouring out vision that will lead you out of the rut you have called ‘home’ and the many roadblocks that have been immovable. This vision is going to confront the areas you have settled in and the areas where you have begun to retreat from your assignment, and it will cause you to come alive again.

“The vision I give you will come with such potent clarity and holiness that it will cause you to drop every plan, method, value and ungodly virtue you were carrying that will not be able to take you where I am going. This vision will draw a line in the sand and separate the wheat from the tares, and only the ‘laid down’ will follow Me into it. (Photo via Freerange Stock)

“This vision is going to be a marker for you, because it comes with telescopic insight and plans for the days to come. It comes with language and themes you have never even heard, and solutions for problems not even seen yet.

So open the scrolls I give you; don’t let them sit unopened, because I am looking for a people who will pick up the new blueprints and be unafraid to steward them and walk them out.

“It will be vastly different than anything you have yet seen, and it will require complete abandonment to faithfully see them stewarded. And you will feel the strangely familiar yet somewhat forgotten desire to build in the depths of your belly. Your spirit man will come alive, and your sight will be fixed and focused.”

From the Waiting Room to the Movement Boom

“So get ready, for there is about to be an unlocking of the gate that has been holding many back from birthing and establishing these new blueprints and plans. The waiting room has been a season of preparation and severing, but that season is coming to an end for most, as I now ignite what has been preserved until now.

“There is coming a mighty boom of movements that aren’t like any other movement you have seen; in fact, these movements are the new wineskin movements that will be the vehicles and facilitators of My glory in the earth. They will be the heralds of My heart in the earth, carrying My thoughts and desires that will realign and recalibrate My Church. And you will be so surprised how quickly you will go from cornered and out of options to building and creating the new with Me, with no religious parameters.”

From Broken Down to Builders of the New

“I am going to restore the broken down and decommissioned and put tools back in their hands. I am breaking off the old mindsets and blindfolds of their last building season, and healing them and ushering them into a new building season. For they thought it was over, but the only thing that ended was a model of the Kingdom that was not conducive for health and transformation going forward. Now you will be given the plans for a new work that will be unlike anything you have built previously.

“It will be a season of building with surrender, as you learn a new rhythm and find what My heart beats for; and in doing so, I will make your heart come alive again. And I will remove every knife from your back and heal every broken hip from your seasons of wrestling on the battlefield.

Unexpected Locations and Settling the Moving Pieces

“Right now many are finalizing their plans to travel to the locations where I am calling them to. It’s been a long season of many moving pieces, intricate parts and details, but I have been involved in all of them, freeing them and guiding them to the place they will settle and build with Me.

“There has been a fog of confusion in this process, and many have been wrestling with the many options and potential wrong turns and traps that lay before them, but I am ensuring they walk on the right road and make it safely.

“Watch as the migratory pathway comes to an end for many pioneers as I call them to build and establish the new wineskin with Me… Many will feel the carousel coming to a complete stop in the next few months, as those in migration and transition will feel ground under their feet. It will be unexpected for many where they end up and where I call them to, but they will know I am calling them.”

Unexpected Assignments

“But be aware that what I give you to birth may look different than what you expected, and some may even reject it at first. What I place in their hands will be a little different than what they had in their hands in the last season, but it will accomplish more. But those with eyes to see and ears to hear will sense My hand on what others are overlooking. For I am favoring the rough diamonds in this hour and the unpolished movements started with a ‘yes.’ For the polished has taken away My presence, and the performance has robbed the Church of power, so it must be that I am handing out assignments that seem unexpected and undignified, but they are lathered in My glory. (Photo via Unsplash)

Building My Table

“I will use the foolish things to confound the wise, and those who are discerning will listen to what My Spirit is saying; because it’s time to build My table and then set My table, where the war-torn and rejected can come, because I am calling My Church to simply set the table in this season.

“I am leading them away from pointless endeavors that look bold and edgy but do not lead people into repentance or transformation. For it’s My Spirit of acceptance and adoption that I am pouring out as My new wine in this hour, because I am calling the lost and displaced home, and those burned by the institution will be healed.”

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
(Luke 4:18-19)

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.” (Psalm 23:5)

Red Tape and Inheritance

“Now watch as the red tape that has been tripping you up for years and holding you back is cut once and for all. For this planting I am doing in you and your family is for the sake of inheritance. Soon you will see why I had to take you on this route. I am setting your feet on a new path of health and promise, where you will thrive and be in health, even as your soul prospers. You will finally begin to inherit and see the fruit of inheritance after being at the mercy of your migratory season for such a long time.

“Contracts are breaking, old labels are being torn up, and it’s finally time to step in with both feet into the waters of this season – without having to look over your shoulder.

Grassroots Expressions, Hubs, Barns and Eagles’ Nests

“So receive the fresh baptism of My Spirit today, and leave the old infrastructure behind, and build according to the new plans I am giving you.

It’s time to pick up the new tools. It’s time to dream big and build with the Lord. It’s time to see grassroots expressions in place of dead and lifeless ministries. It’s time to build the hubs, homes and barns that will choose to build My plans and become the new wineskin, ready to receive the new wine! It’s time to set the tables and restore and build this generation from the ground up. It’s time for eagles’ nests to arise around the globe and for eagles to soar. It’s time to rebuild My Church and lead her into her healthiest days.

So pick up your mantle, grab your tools and let’s begin!”

Nate Johnston
Everyday Revivalists
Email: everydayrevivalists@gmail.com
Website: nateandchristy.co

Nate Johnston is a prophetic voice and worshiper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. Through his ministry school “Everyday Revivalists,” he leads people from the basics of the Gospel through to being sent and released into their mission field, as well as championing and raising up emerging prophetic voices around the world. His burning cry and desire is to see the Body of Christ become a beacon for the lost by raising up a generation that walks in the love and power of God, representing Him well. Nate and his wife Christy have three daughters, Charlotte, Sophie, and Ava and live in Dallas, Texas.

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