A Moment of Divine Visitation

It may be a gift of joy, or comfort in the midst of pain, or an answer to prayer, but suddenly… weariness turns into wonder. It’s a moment of divine visitation! In a moment, you realize God has stepped right into your situation, and your life will never be the same again. Such moments become a part of our testimony. And as we tell the stories of what God has done, others become hungry for what we have.

In Acts chapter 12, Peter had been arrested and imprisoned, and his life was in danger. In the meantime, a group of Believers gathered in the home of Mary, the mother of John Mark, to pray for him.

The night wore on, and they were still in prayer when a girl called Rhoda heard the sound of knocking. As she investigated, Rhoda recognized Peter’s voice at the gate. She was so full of joy and overcome with amazement that she rushed to tell the others, forgetting to open the gate for Peter! The other Believers didn’t believe her until they went to see Peter for themselves.

I believe that some of you reading this are also praying fervently, when, perhaps, it’s time to open the gate.

Sometimes, like the group at Mary’s house, we are busy knocking on Heaven’s door in prayer; yet in the meantime, God is knocking on our door with the answer, and we already have our divine visitation.
The Holy Spirit is tuning our ears to hear, so we don’t miss it.

From Weariness to Wonder – My Divine Visitation

Eighteen months ago, I was working late one night to publish my blog email. I was utterly exhausted, so I gave up and walked away from the computer. It certainly didn’t feel like I was about to have a divine visitation! (Photo via Rawpixel)

As I stepped away, I asked God one question: “Lord, how could this be different?”

In frustration, I rested and closed my eyes. Immediately, in my mind’s eye, I found myself in a vision.[1] I was standing in the sea, and I was waist-deep in water, not far from the shore. As I moved my arms about, bright bursts of colorful light—bioluminescence—rushed around me in the seawater. I had seen this phenomenon once before, over thirty years ago! It happened while we were staying overnight on a small boat in New Zealand, and I hadn’t thought about it in years!

Bioluminescence…it’s a bit like seeing algae growth in a lake. When the conditions are right, tiny micro-organisms gather in the sea and multiply. And when they are active, even a small disturbance in the water will cause a great burst of fluorescent, blue light!

After all those years, I had rarely thought about it. And through this vision, the Holy Spirit seemed to be teaching me to labor with Him—from enjoyment, not from emptiness.

After a while—still in the vision—I became aware of people gathered on the shoreline. A line of “seekers” stretched out as far as the eye could see! They were hungry to see and experience the light for themselves. Their hunger moved me to return to the computer to finish my blog email so that I could reach those who needed my message. A few minutes later, at 10:47 PM, my phone buzzed with a notification.

A Miracle on the Shoreline

It was our family WhatsApp group, with a message from our daughter, Amy. She had sent a video, and I could see dark seawater in the preview image. Then she began to type: “St Kilda Beach… I’ve wanted to see bioluminescence for so long…”

In REAL TIME, at that moment, she was at the shoreline, in the darkness. And where the water was lapping in, there was bioluminescence—bright, blue, fluorescent light in the dark water.

In the video, she put her foot into the water, waved it about, and blue light whooshed around her.
Then someone threw a stone into the seawater, and with it, light rushed outwards. She added, “It’s so hard to find. I’ve been looking for it for years.” (Photo via Wallpaper Flare)

When I was giving up on my work, my daughter found out, via social media, that someone had spotted bioluminescence locally. So she went on a search, first to one beach, and then to the next. To our globe-trotting daughter, it was a miracle to have found this phenomenon for the first time in her life. And while I was in a vision, seeing people looking for the bioluminescence on the shore, my daughter was on the shore trying to find it in real time!

For a few minutes, after Amy sent the messages, I sat there stunned, trembling with shock. My eyes couldn’t focus on my work. Eventually, I went to tell my husband Malcolm what had happened. Our weariness turned to wonder as we shared the story together.[2] It was a moment of divine visitation, with a message that has impacted us ever since.

There’s Something in the Water…

In Habakkuk 2:14 (NKJV), it says, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”

There’s something in the water… God has a divine appointment for you! It may have felt dark lately, and when it’s dark, your vision is obscured; you have trouble seeing the way ahead. Maybe you’ve been longing for something—perhaps a move of God…

The Holy Spirit is here, right on your shore, and He is ready to meet you where you are.

Rhoda was a servant whose purpose was to help, which is why she was listening for the door. She wasn’t a leader. Yet, in that moment, she had a gift that no one else did. Her story reminds us that God appoints the humble to be the history makers!

You may think that your gift is small, but God is using you to fill a gap. And you will be ready, at the right time, to be the answer to someone’s prayer, for you are appointed for divine visitation.


[1] When I describe a vision, it’s usually a vivid impression in my mind’s eye, accompanied by a strong sense of God’s presence. This is not an “open” (physical) vision. I believe all prophetic words, encounters, and visions should be compatible with Scripture and need to be weighed up.

[2] Why does this happen? Mysteries and parables are the language of the Holy Spirit and of the Kingdom.

Helen Calder
Enliven Ministries

Helen Calder is a prophetic minister and writer, and founder of Enliven Ministries, in the David McCracken Ministries family. Helen has a unique gift of equipping in the areas of prophetic ministry, discernment and prayer. She is known for Enliven Blog, an online prophetic training and mentoring resource that reaches thousands of people globally. Helen and Malcolm have been married for 37 years and are at home in Planetshakers Church, Melbourne, Australia.

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