I am going to Los Angeles, and I am bringing Living Proof to a living hell.

My orders are clear: Wade into the deep darkness with the healing power of Jesus.

I could show you what Los Angeles does to children on the street. But you might not ever forgive me. There are some things you can’t unsee.

Bring Living Proof to a living hell? Los Angeles, a living hell? Los Angeles has become an incomprehensible disaster:

-There are 60,000 homeless. 15,000 of them are children.

I could show you what Los Angeles does to children on the street. But you might not ever forgive me. There are some things you can’t unsee.

Los Angeles has been nicknamed the “Gang Capital of America” with an estimated 450 active gangs that have a combined membership upwards of 45,000. This is an extremely low estimate: the LAPD has not released any statistics on gangs since 2005.*


– A school system that tortures students over pronouns.

– A government that enables mob theft, rape, and murder.

– All decency and order is fast disintegrating in Los Angeles.

The moral and physical disease here—if it spreads—has the power to take down America. Governor Gavin Newsom believes all of America needs to be another Los Angeles. And the Left is grooming him to run for president. But it is not too late to stop this human tragedy.

But it is not too late to stop this human tragedy.

But now I must confront a threat that I have not seen in my 55 years of ministry. That is why this cannot be just another tent crusade. This invasion has to be on a scale that dwarfs anything we have done before. I believe this crusade will be the equivalent of five tent crusades put together.

We have already had a gigantic breakthrough: we now have a contract for the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds for September 10-13. That is a stunning victory, but it is up to us to build on it. And frankly, we still need some big miracles.

What will it take to make a difference in Los Angeles? We need to recruit and house a minimum of 1,000 workers. We have already reserved four highly visible freeway billboards which will be seen by millions for a solid month. These billboards are designed to direct people to a special website that we are building just for L.A.

On top of all of this, we must create a media campaign in the media capital of the world—which makes it the most expensive media in the world.

What will it take to make a difference in Los Angeles?

This crusade will have this new name: “Proof For Los Angeles.” We have named it that because we are not bringing opinion or suggestion. We are bringing proof.

You have seen the results in Colorado Springs. We have proven the power of God to a major city. Now we intend to prove it to a world-renowned city. But we dare not go in weak or ill-equipped. There is no doubt we will collide with devils we have never seen before.

But if God be for us—who can be against us?

I have nowhere else to turn but to God and our partners. I have prayed over this letter like few in my life. God said to ask. I am asking for three things: volunteers, missionaries, and prayer warriors!

Volunteers: Come to Los Angeles. We will train you and your fear of the streets will vanish. Louis Simpson said, “The aim of military training is not just to prepare men for battle, but to make them long for it.” Our leaders will show you the time tested methods of Spirit-filled and Spirit-led soul winning. You will be eager to hit the streets!

USE THIS LINK NOW TO REGISTER!  https://bit.ly/LA-Volunteers

Missionaries: It may be impossible for you to come to Los Angeles, but you can still help me in a gigantic way. Use your phone to call pastors, leaders, relatives, and friends in Southern California. Influence them to come and bring someone to the Tent.

Think of the power you have to enlarge the impact of Proof For Los Angeles.

Tens of thousands of people will read this blog. Think of the power you have to enlarge the impact of Proof For Los Angeles.

Prayer Warriors: The secret is to win the war in the heavenlies. Be specific in your prayers. Be fervent in your spirit. Be bold in your requests! We will need finances. We will need an army! We will need authority over devils and a display of healing power beyond anything we have known. Pray, pray, pray!

There is nothing mediocre about Los Angeles. This city has the power to bring down America. But this city has also been used in the past like no other city in America for revival and awakenings. You know what is at stake.

We need to do something drastic for our children. We need an indescribable miracle to begin here. Let it begin with you—you will never be the same!

P.S. There is still time for pastors to join us at the exclusive free brunch Saturday August 5th at 10 AM at the Sheraton Fairplex in Pomona.

Please register now!  https://itickets.online/events/474109   

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