“I baptize you with water for repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” (Matthew 3:11)

An Invitation

Word of the Lord: “To those who are wondering where I am and what I am doing about the present state of affairs on the earth, I have an answer. I have a response to your plight and a plan for your victory.

“I am inviting you into My glory – that reality of My holiness and purity where no enemy can enter. I am calling you up into the higher realms where victory is assured and deliverance is guaranteed, where My presence gives you rest and assurance. It is in My GLORY that My goodness is revealed and every enemy is destroyed.

“But this glory is not just a place; it is a state of being. It is a way of living and moving. It is a higher reality of existence that defies sickness, death, and all that the enemy uses to destroy you. I am calling you into this reality, for this is where MY DIVINE RESET will occur. I am calling you beyond My presence and into My GLORY.” (Photo via Hippopx)

Through the Fire of Purification

“As soon as Solomon finished his prayer, fire came down from Heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple. And the priests could not enter the house of the Lord, because the glory of the Lord filled the Lord’s house.” (2 Chronicles 7:1-2)

“It is when My glory is manifested that all will bow and acknowledge the sovereignty of My rule and authority. Nothing of the flesh can operate in My glory, but only those who have prepared. For there is a price to this place of absolute victory and freedom. It is at the altar of sacrifice and total surrender where My FIRE falls. It is only THROUGH THE FIRE that you can enter this place of glory! It is only through My BAPTISM OF FIRE that one can fully engage in these realms of My glory.

“Take off your shoes, for you are standing on holy ground! Take off your pretense and presumption of Who I am and how I operate. Remove from your walk all that is contrived by the flesh and driven by man, and lay your soul bare before Me. Allow Me to burn up all that destroys your faith in Me. Allow Me to purge your own soul and mind from the lies and half-truths that have become roadblocks to My perfect love and glory. This is not just a fire of Pentecostal passion, but the fire of purification. It will cost you everything, but will yield an outpouring of My glory that no man can counterfeit and no demon can penetrate.

“Pass through the fire! Pass through this place of purification and sanctification, for it is in My glory that all will be made right (Psalm 97:3). All will be made pure. All will be healed and delivered from the bondages that have plagued the earth. It is in My glory that all will be reset according to My standards and My design.

“The adversary has sought to manipulate and alter you, My perfect creation. I made you in My image and placed within you the capacity to live and move from this place of glory. And yet, the forces of darkness have sought to disrupt My purposes and change the natural elements to get you out of sync with My heartbeat and the intonations of My Spirit. The sicknesses and ills that have ravaged mankind are the result of these manipulations of the enemy, and they must stop! And they will stop – as you pursue this place of My glory (Ezekiel 28:22).

I am calling you, My perfect ones, into My holy presence and into My glory, for it is there that all will be made right. All will be made holy and RESET back to My perfect design.

Become His Dwelling Place

“Become a habitation of My Spirit, a dwelling place for Me to rest. But surrender fully to the burning Spirit that must come in order to prepare you to receive all that I have planned (Isaiah 4:4). Yield your plans and hopes for deliverance, and trust in My grace to take you through these fires of preparation. These must come in order to purify you and remove all toxins, both natural and spiritual, from your lives. (Photo via Unsplash)

“Do not be surprised at the increase of wickedness and any appearance of defeat. It is only the enemy’s desperate attempts to stop you from pressing in and seeing him utterly destroyed in your midst. I tell you – no enemy of the earth and no plan of Hell can alter My creation or remove My covenant of peace from the earth! But you must make the choice to come up and go through.

“Prepare yourselves. Offer your bodies as living sacrifices and worship Me alone. Fix your gaze and thoughts on ME. Do not consider the threats of men or the distractions of the enemy. They are lesser things, and all will eventually give way to My glory and My deliverance. Even as you seek natural solutions to the plagues that beset you, know that it is ultimately My glory that must be seen and known. It is My glory that must be displayed on the earth in order to set the governance of My Kingdom in place. No other king or ruler will take the glory which is Mine alone. No solution or answer will be greater than that which is found in ME.

Come Up Higher!

“Come up, My people! Come up higher into the places where the enemy can’t touch you. Separate yourself from all that pulls on your vulnerabilities and fears. Determine to press through the trials and see My greater plans. Just as I poured out My Spirit in times past, so will I pour out My glory in increasing measure. But it will be THROUGH YOU that My glory is revealed. And it is THROUGH THE BAPTISM OF FIRE that this work will be accomplished.

“Nations will fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth will fear Your glory.” (Psalm 102:15)

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Wanda Alger
Email: wandaalger@gmail.com
Website: www.wandaalger.me

Wanda Alger is an ordained minister, commissioned fivefold leader, speaker, and author. She has produced numerous video and audio teaching series, and six books, including her latest, WORDS TO PRAY BY. She also hosts a YouTube and Rumble channel where she posts weekly videos of prophetic dreams, insights, and Kingdom strategies, and is active on social media. Find all her resources and writings at www.wandaalger.me. She is married to Bobby Alger, lead pastor of Crossroads Community Church in Winchester, Virginia, which they founded together in 1998. They have three grown children and a growing number of grandchildren.

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