The world is increasingly a mess and it definitely looks like that’s a trend!

My feeling is that God is allowing it so that many will awaken to the fact that the current human trajectory is badly skewed because of false ideas, information, concepts, values, and goals that are highly destructive to the world and its people.

In contrast to this destructive wave are six fundamental characteristics God built into the very fabric of the dimension of Heaven: abundance, peace, beauty, joy, purpose, and love. (There are many more, of course, but God has shown me that these six are fundamentally important.)

Well, okay…..but how do these characteristics of Heaven have anything to do with the Earth realm? Easy. He included them in the design for the first garden on Earth – the beautiful Garden of Eden! In fact, Eden was the model for developing the world outside the gates of that first and primal garden. That is when its residents were prepared.

Thus, the model for the Garden of Eden, as well as for the entire realm of Earth outside Eden’s gates, shared the same eternally beautiful developmental plan!

No need to belabor what happened. As Chuck Pierce says, “Every garden has a snake!” He goes on to say it must be dealt with via declaring and acting upon the truths, values, and authority of God.


Yes, I know – we have yet to do so to the necessary degree but the story of this awesomely designed planet is not over!

Neither is the story of the God-given gift of our lives over! We are transitioning to the next chapter in God’s plans for us and the Earth.

That which is developing personally for many appears to be very much akin to Simon Peter’s experience in the boat that stormy night on the Sea of Galilee! We too are now about to be called to walk upon the water. Hmmm – lots of faith needed.

Here, though, is the bottom-line interpretation. Until God tells us to stop, we are called to be people of growing faith who respond to present-day history in the making by seeking and receiving connectivity with the dimension of Heaven so as to allow abundance, peace, beauty, joy, purpose, and love to flow into the earth realm…..through us!

Powerful!! That’s right – we have a responsibility as believers. I reject the notion that we are simply to endure the works of darkness and hope that God soon sends Jesus to fix everything for us.

No doubt, we need the Holy Trinity in a big way. But What happened to the understanding that believers in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are true children of God?

With that authority handed down to us let us stand and together make a profound difference!


The visual I have prepared is not presenting anything brand new. Rather it is a way of visualizing the matters discussed here.

I have made use of the Hebrew letter “Vav”. Hebrew letters were originally pictographic. Vav originally pictured a tent peg. I like to see it as a railroad spike.

Either way, Vav represents a “connecting pin”. For example, a tent peg connects a tent to the ground so that it will not blow away or collapse. Railroad spikes help connect the rails to the ties that the rails sit upon. It is obvious why.

By Jesus’ very commandments to us and his life illustrations for us, He is calling us to be “living vavs” connecting Heaven’s characteristics with the realm of the Earth. This connection brings LIGHT that dispels vicious darkness!!

Always be a Vav prayerfully, of course! Let Him guide you in the what, where, when, why, and how. He will oversee you and shield you.

In closing……..Lord, I pray that you will encourage, instruct, and protect every living Vav!! In all, we do as such, whatever it is, may it glorify your name and draw more of mankind to you. Amen

Bob Kloppel

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