The supernatural spiritual strength or power in the Sons of God comes from alignment with God. Biblical principles and laws give us an understanding of the general fixed designs and ways of God.
Seeking to be in alignment with God through only understanding biblical principles and laws from the Bible is always incomplete and often leads to failure.
Perfect alignment with God must include God in His mercy, patience, and longsuffering, and at the same time His wrath, judgment, and holiness.
Our incomplete understanding of all matters involved in each situation makes it impossible to figure out the will of God in every situation. We may have some understanding but never have all knowledge of the situation or exactly what God is doing in the situation before us.
We must personally commune with God and hear or see from Him in the Spirit to know how to align with Him in each situation of life. Our ability to hear or see and know the will of God in each situation involves our intimate relationship with God.
God loves the world and all mankind. In His love, He has only a good desire and plan for all of us all the time. God’s final plan for us is not just healing our sickness and disease. His plan is “divine health” in which there is no need for healing.
We collectively as mankind are the ones that disallow the perfect will and plan of God in our lives.
The devil was defeated at the cross and the resurrection brought a return to the original state of mankind before sin had entered.
It is time for true believers to leave the milk of the prepared and processed baby food of man-focused religious teachings to experience the power and love of mature true sons and daughters of Father God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit. (Hebrews 5:12-14).
It is time now to be fully and tightly connected to the Spirit reality of heaven to receive the kingdom of God and establish the full reality of the kingdom of heaven ruling all matters of life on Planet Earth. “Strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy; giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love. (Colossians 1:11-13).
The greatest return yet to come is the return of God’s people to fully connect through Christ Jesus into perfect love union with Father God of heaven as the Bride of Christ bringing forth the army of God’s mature sons to establish the kingdom of God from heaven on earth.
This is not a war for the people to fight. It is a finished conquest and prepared kingdom awaiting the generation that will receive it.
The return to God is a transition from natural life to Spirit life as the reality of our reality of existence. It is the dominant reality of our existence as Spirit beings relating in love with Spirit God reproducing heaven’s Spirit life into a temporal demonstration of physical manifestation of the Spirit reality of heaven on earth.
The power and wisdom of heaven are with us and in us if we truly believe and submit to the love of God. Holy angels work with us and around us supplying the unseen Spirit creative activity to bring about the establishment of the purposes of God on earth as in heaven.
Religious teachings have built walls of doctrines that block the revelation of the reality of the kingdom of God from growing in us and then into the world.
When the prayers and sacrifices of those sent with the light of God in fresh revelation bring a potential breakthrough for us, we must decide to receive it and lay down our past incomplete or inerrant beliefs to receive the further light of God. The increased light of God drives darkness away and removes shadows exposing the greater fullness of life in God while on earth.
The enemy does not like this and fights with all he has trying to stop or delay the manifesting of the kingdom of God.
The alternate kingdom of man and the devil will do all possible to stop or delay the kingdom from its rightful place of reigning in this world and to increase the stronghold of the kingdom of darkness in this world.
Today is the time for the real kingdom of God to manifest on earth as it is in heaven. There is no more worthy mission in life than to become a full-grown servant king and priest in the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
“And have made us kings and priests to our God;
And we shall reign on the earth.” Revelation 5:10.
Ron McGatlin