“A New Sound Is Coming”
Jay West, Bellevue, Nebraska

The other week as I walked into a local department store, I heard the unmistakable sound of Christian music playing over the store’s intercom. I thought to myself, This is so unusual. But then I listened closer, and I heard a secular song – not a Christian song at all. When I listened even closer, I could definitely hear the sounds of a contemporary Christian song playing over top of the secular song that the store was trying to entertain their customers with. I wondered if somehow I was hearing angels sing.

A New Sound Is Coming – Purity Will Reign

I asked God, “What is going on?”

He said, “When revival comes, it will permeate many different entities, and the earthly sounds are going to change to heavenly sounds and Kingdom sounds.”

He went on to say that a new sound is coming.

Later in the week, I was traveling and ministering out of state, and three different times the same thing happened in a hotel lobby, a restaurant, and a grocery store. Each time it startled me and was a surprise, as I was not thinking about it, nor was I looking for it. The Lord showed me this verse: “Then I will purify the speech of all people so that everyone can worship the Lord together” (Zephaniah 3:9 NLT).

Think about it. Our speech will be pure, and our worship will be pure. Our singing will be pure. Purity will reign. That means that filthy language in songs will become the exception rather than the norm.

I heard the Lord say, “There is a new sound of prayer coming, and a new sound of preaching, and a new sound of public witnessing, and a new sound of worship so that many public places will embrace the Lord for a season.”

He went on to say, “This season will only last three years, and then gradually dissipate. But these three years will be glorious – filled with wonder, awe, and power.” (Photo via Unsplash)

He added that this revival will cause many to want to sing about Heaven and the Kingdom of God in places that previously shunned Him. Halftime shows will fill the air with songs of rejoicing, and public musical events will add in many worship songs and songs of praise to the Lord. Public school concerts and even street vendors will play this sound. Wherever music is heard, the sound of Heaven will also be heard. And many Believers will only hear this new sound and not the old, earthly sound that some will continue to try to play. Their songs will soon disappear and Kingdom public approval will reign.

Light Will Have a Sound

Happy, or blessed, are those who know the joyful sound, for they will walk in the light of Your presence, Lord (see Psalm 89:15).

This is indeed the song of freedom. Freedom in the Spirit and freedom in Jesus will release new songs and new sounds that previously were reserved for Christian concerts and church services. The season of lewdness and darkness will be replaced with the sound of light. Light will have a sound, and it will be so glorious that everyone will agree that it cannot be man-made but must be from Heaven, as it resounds in the sky, in the air, and in our hearts. The sound of light will be heard even through the shining of the sun and stars. God’s creation of light will sing!

In Acts 2 we learn that a sound came from Heaven. And so it will be again that this new sound will also come from Heaven.

“Suddenly, there was a sound from Heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting.” (Acts 2:2 NLT)

Jay West
Anointed2Go | Kingdom Encounters

Email: anointed2go@cox.net
Website: www.anointed2go.com | www.kingdomencounters.net

Jay West has been in pastoral ministry for 42 years. Jay has also been blessed to write and publish five books, three of which are available for sale on the Elijah List store: Willing to Yield, Downloads from Heaven, and Well, Well, Well. Pastor Jay has been receiving and sharing accurate words of knowledge and prophetic words since he was in high school. He also flows in a healing ministry, having seen thousands healed. In 2022, Jay met his wife Rebecca at a seminar. Rebecca is a wonderful counselor and an amazing anointed intercessor, along with being a gifted speaker, too. Pastor Jay also ministers and prays with political leaders at the local, state and national level in both the Republican and Democratic Parties. Jay is a bi-partisan intercessor. Jay is often booked several months in advance, and you can discover his available schedule by contacting him at anointed2go@cox.net.

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