I keep hearing the phrase “Second Hand Smoke”. The Lord is saying, many are breathing in second hand smoke, they are not breathing the fresh air of heavenly realities. Second hand smoke is filled with carcinogens and toxic air that is harmful to you, but the fresh air of heaven is what makes you a living soul, what fills you with hope, what puts in you the anticipation of good, just, right and true things. Second hand smoke is the doctrines of man, telling you who they believe God is, telling you what they believe God is saying, telling you what they want you to know about God. Fresh air is reading the word of God for yourself, hearing the voice of God yourself, experiencing the presence of God alone. Fresh breath from heaven is being alone with God and knowing what He says about Himself and you.

I was reading Psalm 104 this morning and it was such a breath of fresh air. It poetically describes God with imagery that causes men to marvel at HIs majesty, ponder HIs power and desire His truth. It captures creation in a way that makes me wonder why we settle for artificial light, rather than going outside and letting all of creation communicate the truth about who God is. The psalmist describes God by what He saw in creation and it is awe inspiring. He understood things we don’t and yet we think we are so advanced. Oh to get back to staring at the stars, listening to the sound of running water, watching the birds, oh the things we would learn about God. These things are the fresh air of heaven, nature is not second hand smoke, the media is.

Psalm 104:24 says, “O LORD, how many are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all; The earth is full of Your possessions.” There is wealth to be discovered in creation. A wealth of wisdom, a wealth of truth, a wealth of understanding the ways of God. He is creator and He has used creation to communicate to us. It is time for some fresh air to get a fresh perspective, for all this second hand smoke is killing us, but the fresh air of heaven is life to us. Breath deep the fresh air of God, it will make you feel better.