“The Apocalypse of Jesus:
An Ever-Increasing Presence”
written by Paul Keith & Amy Davis
A great shift is coming. Beginning in Tishrei this year (September of 2023) will begin a seven month transition out of slavery. It will be a time of divine intervention. These seven months are graced with opportunity to prepare for an even greater breakthrough in the month of Nissan. Many people will experience deliverance, even as the Israelites were delivered out of “Egypt” from the hand of Pharaoh. God will reverse curses, overrule wicked agenda, and set His people from spiritual captivity.
There are numerous Old Testament prophetic passages foretelling a profound outpouring of the Holy Spirit during the latter days; This speaks of a time of “divine intervention” when the Lord reveals Himself and His glory through a uniquely prepared “overcoming” witness.
Currently, the Lord is inviting those willing to set aside former religious concepts (models) and cultivate a hearing ear to receive a “present” word from Him. There, in that place we will discern between mere “human activity” and pursue an atmosphere of “divine activity” and “divine intervention.” This call is extended to those who hunger for more of God and His glory.
This is the intercessor’s hour. Many prayer groups will emerge over the next several months, carrying into the coming years. They will learn to pray Omega prayers. Those who persevere in prayer will experience communion with God. The Omega mandate for prayer will change the current culture of Christianity and usher in the greatest outpouring the world has even seen. Upon the fullness of time, effective praying will bring sound spiritual alignment and divine connections.
Those set apart for this mandate will know the “greater work” as they pursue His presence and move God to pour out His glory on our generation and on our children and children’s children. They will cooperate with His messengers. In unity they will fulfill a great work.
Oswald Chambers said: “Prayer does not prepare us for the greater work, prayer is the greater work.”