Iran (MNN) — Global concern grows as Iran threatens increased involvement in the Israel-Hamas war. Meanwhile, International Media Ministries is flooding Iran with messages of hope.

A recent “watch party” celebrated ministry progress and highlighted needs.

“We wanted to celebrate the fact that we finished this social media piece to help young Iranians have conversations about God, but also to raise awareness that this isn’t over for Iran,” IMM Executive Director Denise Godwin says as she describes the event’s purpose.

“Things fade away in the news in the West, but we recognize that Iran isn’t done suffering.”

This spring, IMM created a short social media video in Farsi to inject hope into Iranian conversations about Mahsa Amini’s death and nationwide anti-government protests. More about that here.

“We decided to create a short social media piece asking people to consider ‘What is worth risking your life for?’” Godwin says.

Dedicated follow-up teams shared the Gospel with Iranians online. Then, on September 30, 2023, IMM shared an English version of the social media piece with supporters during a “watch party.” The ministry also discussed project updates, challenges, and opportunities.

“If you talk to Iranians, there’s a lot of [discussion about] ‘What does it look like if this regime falls out?” Godwin says.

“The Church is trying to be cognizant and intentional to start thinking about opportunities should a different kind of power [take over.]”

Don’t worry if you missed the watch party. “Some content was protected, but some you can still go and see on our social media platforms in English,” Godwin says.

(Photo courtesy of IMM)

Click here to see a recap of the watch party on YouTube. Then, learn more about IMM and the Esther Project here.

“We are continuing to work on the mini-series of the story of Esther in Farsi,” Godwin says.

“Iranians love storytelling; they’re a poetic and dramatic people, and they asked us to do something a little bigger than a simple 30-minute retelling of the Bible story.”

Header image courtesy of Heart4Iran.