Falling fully in love with God by abiding in His presence opens the way to the reality of supernatural Spirit life now in this life.

That which is impossible to natural mankind is possible to Spirit God Almighty. All things are possible for God.

All creation whether spiritual or natural and earthly or heavenly is created by and continues to exist or not exist by the will and power of God.

God’s continued release of designed energy is the living source of all creation. Living energy is exerted as Spirit from Spirit God that is the source and substance of all creation.

This is a great mystery to mankind. All matter of all things and the living or changing of it is released into existence by God. Exerted Spirit energy of God becomes that which we call atoms made up of moving parts called protons, electrons, or neutrons, in different combinations and characteristics, which grouped together make up a molecule of matter of some form.

By the design and power of God, these various forms of matter are assigned a pattern of life and growth with its seed for reproduction within it. Thus, living things exist and continue to reproduce.  

Mankind is the only being on earth that was created as a Spirit being in an earthly body with the capacity to function in the spirit realm with God and in the natural realm of creation. This is for God’s purpose for man, to have dominion on earth. Mankind in the natural realm is to commune with God in the spirit realm and bring forth God’s plan and purposes in this world.


The first Adam aborted the plan. Christ Jesus rebirthed the plan and for over two thousand years has been restoring God’s original plan.

We have now entered the advanced or latter phases of restoring the plan of God for all of Planet Earth beginning with mankind.

We are now or will soon be in an increased rate of change and a greatly increasing intensity of events of change on Earth.

All that which is not of God and all that is against the plan and purposes of God is coming down.

The SPIRIT designs and purposes of God are arising into full existence on earth. Heavenly patterns for this world are coming down from heaven into the redeemed Spirits and minds of God’s chosen people.

Deep secret mysteries are being revealed in this season that empower and guide God’s chosen people in bringing forth great Spirit reality beyond that which has been previously revealed.

Not since the first century has there been a greater outpouring of God’s reality in revelational truth and power of God on Earth.  


The key word is LOVE – The pure holy love of God. There is no other source of unconditional love in all of creation. GOD IS LOVE!

Pure wisdom asks this question. How do I get pure holy love?

Praise God! He has made provision for connecting into His love. All has been made ready to fully reconnect us into the perfect life of being saturated and consumed in the pure holy love of God. The way to God is to set the affection of our mind on heaven’s reality of Spirit God instead of natural world things.


Since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, mankind’s conception of living reality has been upside-down. In our abstract minds, we may have heard the fact that the Spirit is above the natural because Spirit God created the natural. However, it has never become a reality in our understanding and living experience.

We have been blinded to the reality of the overwhelming supremacy of the Spirit over the natural or the created. We just do not see that the spiritual is primary and the natural or physical is secondary.

For example, we are primarily and fundamentally a Spirit being that only temporarily lives in a natural body in a created temporal world of marvelous created natural existence.

In the natural fallen state of our minds, the framework of understanding is upside-down. Even as we read or study the written word of the Bible our mental interpretation is understood in the framework of the natural and not the framework of Spirit reality.

In our fully redeemed human Spirit where God in Christ by the Holy Spirit lives, there is Spirit love and truth beyond measure to create a new framework for our mind. Our minds are renewed as we continually choose to WALK IN THE SPIRIT and not in our natural mindset.

As we live by the Spirit and “walk by the Spirit” our minds become renewed to the Spirit. As we operate or function in the Spirit mind, we have the mind of Christ. The written words of the Bible become dramatically and excitedly alive as the vast revelation of previously unseen Spirit understanding floods our renewed minds beyond anything we had even imagined before.

The reality of clearly seeing that Spirit is far greater and far more relevant than any created thing in the natural world is very evident to us.

Mysteries that we had never seen before become clearly seen and understood in our new Spirit minds. Situations in our own lives and people around us begin to be seen in much greater depth. World situations that baffled us are clearly seen for what they really are and are not.


RELIGION that ruled over us becomes exposed as, at best, a mixture of some truth and much natural mind interpretation of the written word and extremely limited in the revelation of real Godly life in this world.

Christian religion was greatly used as a hatchery for producing babies or saved people and a nursery for training Spirit infants to find the breast milk to begin growth. And eventually spoon-fed the more solid yet still soft foods. Then to find the toilet rather than wearing diapers and depending on someone else to clean up our messes.

With a grade school level of spiritual understanding of Christian language and basics of a bit of simple math of problem-solving and a tiny bit of science of how things worked we were released out to rule our lives and the world.

We were left to the ungodly secular humanism for all further education and a deeper understanding of how to live life and rule or be ruled over by external forces in this world. In short, we were left to the devil and his humanistic selfish wasted empty lives of ever seeking and never finding, and always learning but never coming to the truth, and always seeking entertainment and exciting games instead of God and His love that produces righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

RELATIONSHIP is about being in love with God. It is loving God with the love He is placing within us. Our hearts melt with love as we truly come to know His boundless love and extravagant provision of great peace and joy beyond measure. It is the life that we could never find in the things we sought to replace Him with. The fullness of total forever connection into the heavenly place of becoming one with God knowing that all power, wisdom, and every good thing is with us in this now and forever place of endless love of worship and praising Him in this love relationship beyond all understanding.

The old is passing away and the new reality of Spirit to Spirit is manifesting in the reality of His presence with us and in us. Nothing is impossible for God in and with us.

The manifesting of God in Christ Jesus and His kingdom are now replacing the false principalities of evil spirit rule in and over our lives. All that is not of God is soon being dissolved and only that which is from God and His kingdom will remain. This is all to the GLORY OF GOD that will eventually fill all the earth!

“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32.

Love never fails and
His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin


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