“The Angel Gate Is Open – You Fight One of Us, You Fight Us All!”
Tim Sheets, Lebanon, Ohio

The Angel Gate

The Lord said to me, “I am now releasing My mighty ones to break up entrenched evil. They will strike the forever-loser’s protections of diabolical root systems in America’s capital and in state capitals. Michael, My ‘war prince,’ has released in sufficient numbers war angels to unlock this nation and to break barrier walls. Companies of Our special forces angels, the angels of fire, have penetrated into the realms of iniquity to ambush as the Ekklesia makes their commands in My name. Cover-ups will be uncovered. Giants, taunting in opposition, will fall. Strongholds of darkness will be destroyed and their influence shattered.

My angels are merging with My people to bring the forces of evil in Baal’s kingdom down, and My unshakable Kingdom will rise in waves of power. Hear the sound of the battering rams of My Kingdom resounding against wicked strongholds. The abominations will not stand, for overwhelming might will now bear upon covenant breakers seeking to destroy My purposes.

“The advancement of My Kingdom will become very rapid, and rapid strikes will come against hindering spirits—spirits of perversion, governmental tyranny, and cultural systems that are polluted by demonic power.

“The world will now see the mobilization of My Kingdom Ekklesia and Heaven’s angel armies under Lord Sabaoth. This will suddenly and aggressively be revealed. It will see the fierceness of Hell’s resistance against My Kingdom superseded by the fierceness of My wrath against their allegiance to Baal. My fierce deployments will now emerge. My intercessors are willing, and they will also deploy on strike missions against Hell’s dominion.

“For know,” says the Lord of hosts, “a very fierce war season will now begin. Engage and win it with My power through prayers, decrees of faith, and worship warfare. Know that an agitated, demonic realm will stir violence in the natural realm. But I will send fresh power from Heaven to resource you, and fresh fire will be seen of My manifest presence that will hover over you in manifest glory, radiating continued support, as I gave My people in the Exodus. (Photo via Piqsels)

“Behold and know, I have now opened a door of Heaven. I have opened the angel gate over you. I have opened the door of angel armies to the King’s Ekklesia. They will deploy on strike missions, for I will have My harvest.

Kingdom Allies

King Jesus says to His Church, “The coalition forces of My Kingdom are now being called to the battle line. The synergizing strength of My allies, joined together for My Kingdom cause, has never been stronger. My angels, My remnant warrior armies, Holy Spirit, My Father, and all of Heaven have allied with Me and My Kingdom. Fight one of us, you fight us all.

“Covenants are established; treaties have been signed with My Blood; alignments have initiated assignments, and the strength of My coalition is filled with overwhelming might. Know Hell cannot prevail. My Church will prevail. My remnant will prevail.

“For, yes, My Kingdom has been attacked; and, yes, My remnant has been pressed in great battle, but know that a mighty Kingdom is allied with you. Know that the King of Heaven and Earth is allied with you. Know that Holy Spirit and His angel armies are allied with you. You will not fight this battle alone.

“My Kingdom allies are rushing to the battlefront. My powers, My anointing to prevail, are coming upon you. Engage the enemy’s kingdom. Engage his followers. With great boldness, reign with Me as authorized heirs. Partner with Heaven. Run with the angels. Follow Holy Spirit’s leadership and expand My Kingdom upon the earth. The angel gate is open.”

(Also, during Tim’s recent Elijah Streams interview, he shared portions of his “Reset” word, published by The Elijah List on July 8, 2023, which you can read right here.)

Tim Sheets
The Oasis Church | Tim Sheets Ministries

Email: carol@timsheets.org
Website: oasiswired.org | timsheets.org

Dr. Tim Sheets is an apostle, pastor, and author based in southwestern Ohio. A graduate of Christ For the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, he returned to Ohio in 1979 to pastor The Oasis, a CityGate Church, in Middletown, Ohio. The site is one of the largest in the Cincinnati-Dayton area and is host to many ministries/conferences. His vision is to raise up people who will authentically demonstrate the Church on the earth and passionately evangelize the world. His heart is for awakening and reformation in America. He has written Armed and Battle Ready, Being Led by the Spirit, Heaven Made Real, Angel Armies: Releasing the Warriors of Heaven, and Planting the Heavens. Dr. Tim Sheets resides with his wife, Carol, in Lebanon, Ohio. They have two children and five grandchildren.

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