Once the Muslim prayers were over, I began preaching. My sermon had four main points: God Created You, God Loves You, God Saves You, and God Heals You. When I gave the altar call hundreds of people prayed with me for salvation right in the shadow of the Mosque!
The amazing miracle is that on the same day when Islam was calling for anger, we saw the love of Jesus manifested in a powerful way. It was on a Friday. Not only was it the day of our biggest attendance at the campaign, but it was also the day when we saw the most people get saved.
Our team did two village-size Gospel campaigns. Each campaign was three days long and also included a conference for discipling young people. We deliberately kept the events small because we did not want to attract too much attention. Even though the events were small, they will produce a big impact. The ministry we are working is sending a pastor to each of these villages to plant a new church so that the new believers can be discipled.
Each of these villages have never heard about Jesus before. Before we came, there were no churches and no Christian believers in these villages. But now there are!
A total of 1,211 decision cards were filled out. Many people were saved and every night people testified they were healed.
Your Missionary Evangelist,
Daniel King
daniel@kingministries.comKing Ministries InternationalPO Box 701113Tulsa, OK 74170-1113 |