The Time of the Arising Song and Sound is Here.

By Jared Rook

I believe it is now a time for the personal expression of EVERY believer’s heart to arise unto the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am experiencing and seeing in the Spirit a lifting of Him up on a sound of melody, harmony, rhythm, and beat, or whatever the Holy Spirit gives and leads in. This has been a new adventure with the Lord. I truly believe this is not only for me at this time but it is God’s heart for His whole people.

There are songs and sounds from Heaven and to Heaven that have been tucked inside our hearts waiting to be discovered. They may be very simple or elaborate.

I believe there is now a special grace to journey into deeply personal praise and worship through song or sound that blesses the heart of Father God and brings Glory to His name.

New and deeper ways of seeing and hearing Him will happen as we vulnerably surrender our hearts and vocal cords unto Him. The scriptures are going to become even more alive through revelation as we intimately see Him high and lifted up.

I also very much believe that holy intercession will arise within us as our hearts stir for Him to come rule and reign in us and amongst us. Out of the songs and sounds a new language in our hearts will be born. This new language will become a catalyst for angelic activity that the Lord of Heaven’s armies is waiting to release.

I feel hope in the Lord for the body of Christ at large, to arise into His love and to steward well, a great love awakening to the reality of God for the whole world.

I believe that the utter darkness the enemy is seeking and seething to release can still be pushed back and canceled by the mighty, unfailing love of God. His mercy is still available and with it comes a GREAT GRACE to trample the devil’s plans of destruction.

Every believer carries more power and favor than they probably understand. God is seeking for repentant hearts that will just turn to Him. His power is still available to crush the plans of hell that have yet to unfold.

Every believer has access to a merciful and powerful post of prayer and intercession that can impact everything currently in motion. To the Glory of God, He can still do this.

If these songs and sounds that have been hidden are allowed to arise within us and upon us, they will bring about different dimensions of holy realities here on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Let us surrender our hearts to the Lord in true transparency and trust Him with childlike faith. Let each of our unique voices come forth. He is longing to hear that which He, Himself has given.

“Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day.”  Psalm 96:1-2

Jared Rook

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