We have been in a slow demolition of the doctrines of men that have created distance between God and people and people and people. This slow demolition has been going on for years, but enough of the faulty, antiquated structure we have found so much “false sense of security” in, is giving way….finally. It is like a veil that has been placed over our eyes so we cannot see the truth that will set not just some free, but all of us free to see.

What God Himself is walking us into is beyond anything we have ever experienced. We were born into a system of religion that has baptized us in methods, opinions of man, clever pithy sayings and ideas, promises that never came true and beliefs that are not biblical. The whitewash is being removed, the reality of falsity is being revealed and it is going to bring a culture shock to the nations of the likes we cannot even understand.

When Israel left Egypt after 430 years, they had only known Egyptian culture. When its all you know, it seems right, until you are brought into another culture of which you have no frame of reference. This is the reality we are about to face. A culture we did not know was available, a truth we did not realize we had not seen or heard. It is going to be an international revolution of the God kind. The echo is going to become a fading sound and the kingdom is going to manifest and march on.

The mark of this revolution will not be war, famine, disease, affliction, persecution or the rapture, it is going to be a revolution of proximity to God and to people. We are being led into a PROXIMITY REVOLUTION. Proximity to each other and to God is going to unlock the power that Jesus walked in. We will see miracles, signs and wonders not from a distance, but up close and personal. The closer we get to each other and to God the more kingdom activity we will see. This proximity revolution will draw people into community in a way we have never seen before. It will not be a program or a method, it will be organic, unique and creative for there will be no two of the same communities. What God is doing is a PROXIMITY REVOLUTION that will alter the culture of nations. Proximity is power!!!!
