Andrew Towe: “Get Ready for a Prophetic Surge!”

Andrew Towe, Chattanooga, TN
Jan 18, 2024

The Lord spoke to me and said, “Get ready for a prophetic surge!” As I listened to His voice, great excitement and anticipation filled my spirit. I knew that even in the midst of chaotic times, His word would prevail, and God’s people were on the verge of witnessing Him move in an unprecedented way.

A Shaking and a Shifting

In 2023, God declared that He would cause an exposure of things that had been concealed in the dark, and they would be brought into the light. We have seen this come to pass in a measured way, but this year, the veil will be torn away, and hidden sin, corruption, and even impure motives will be revealed.

God says, “There is a shaking coming, yes, even to My Church, but it is a result of My shifting. I am bringing order and alignment. The fear of the Lord is returning, and My justice will be seen. Where there has been injustice, I will cause a SUDDEN REVERSAL. The cries of the innocent have reached My ears, and I shall give them the justice they seek!”

Like a Mighty Tidal Wave

I delved further into the meaning of the term “surge” and discovered that it meant “to rise and fall actively,” “to rise suddenly to an excessive or abnormal value,” and “a swelling, rolling, or sweeping forward like that of a wave or a series of waves.” (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

I heard the Lord say, “Prepare to see the rapid and successive fulfillment of My prophetic words. Just as the waves of the ocean sweep upon the sand, My words will sweep across the land—every word proving true, and not one returning to Me void. Like a mighty tidal wave, My surge will break through the barriers and blockades erected by man, and its impact will be overwhelming.”

Redeeming the Time

As I sought the Lord further on this word, He instructed me to 1) tell His people to be spiritually attuned to His voice, and 2) to be led only by the Holy Spirit, for the enemy will send distractions to steal their hope and vision. Satan is seeking after their time and is diligently working to delay God’s people, believing that by stealing their days, years, and even decades, it will be too late for them to fulfill the Lord’s purpose. However, he is gravely mistaken! For the times of Believers are in God’s hands. He is the Redeemer of time and the Restorer of years.

Paul wrote, “Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time” (Colossians 4:5). The word “time” in the Greek is the word “kairos,” meaning “time,” “season,” “opportunity,” “due measure,” or “right time.”

God tells you today, “I am bringing you to a full-circle moment. This is it. You can recover, recapture, recoup, and reclaim missed opportunities. This is the turning point for you to seize what was lost and retrieve those squandered opportunities, for they are now within your grasp. It is I, the Lord, the Restorer of time, who will make this possible. I am causing such a divine acceleration on this surge, and you will catch up to the plans I have laid out for you as if no time had ever slipped away. Did I not say in My Word, ‘I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron'” (Isaiah 45:2)?

God is the only one who can make crooked places straight. He alone can reverse poor choices, restore lost years, and give back missed opportunities. This is who He is and what He is doing for you!

“And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with wine and oil. And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, My great army which I sent among you. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and My people shall never be ashamed.” (Joel 2:24-26)

Mending Broken Relationships and Demolishing Obstacles

In this season of a prophetic surge, God is not only restoring time and lost opportunities, but He is also mending broken relationships. He is demolishing the obstacles that have hindered your progress. (Photo via Pexels)

Just as the floors will be full of wheat and the vats will overflow with wine and oil, God will restore the years that have been devoured. You will be satisfied, filled with plenty, and you will praise the name of the Lord who has worked wonders in your life.

Deliverance from Shame, Reproach, Grief and Disappointment

The shame and reproach of yesterday, and the chains that have restricted you are now lifted off you. The false labels that the enemy has tried to attach to you and your family are nothing but lies. Only the words spoken by God are true. Every word and promise He has made to you will come forth. God is delivering you from the grief and disappointment of past seasons to propel you into what He is doing now. It is time to release the old and embrace the new things God is doing in your life.

Ready Yourself and Govern Your Time Wisely

Be revived by the word of the Lord today from the intense battle strategies of the enemy that have plagued you, wearing and tiring you. The season that you have been praying for is here. Do not live foolishly, putting things off until tomorrow. Govern your time wisely. Refuse the distractions of the devil and rebuff sin. Walk in holy consecration unto the Lord. It is time to WAKE UP, STAND UP, and make the devil SHUT UP! Ready yourself for the surge of God’s prophetic words coming to pass speedily.

Andrew Towe
Ramp Church Chattanooga 

Andrew Towe is an emerging prophetic voice to this generation! Andrew preaches the Word of God with fire, inviting God’s manifested presence to fall, with signs and wonders occurring in his services. He has also authored a new book titled, “The Triple Threat Anointing.” Andrew and his wife Brooke are the lead pastors of Ramp Church Chattanooga, and they reside in Chattanooga, TN along with their two children. Andrew travels extensively, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Wherever he ministers, lives are changed, faith is strengthened, and expectation is ignited.

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