Katie Dunstan: “Go Low, Go Deep! Ascend to Your Seat!”

Katie Dunstan, NSW, Australia
Jan 23, 2024

Recently, I went on a prayer retreat to a place known as “Prayer Mountain” in New South Wales, Australia. As I entered the chapel I was immediately caught up in a supernatural glory encounter in the spirit. My husband and I were side by side, and we did not speak for four hours while I was in this encounter.

From this high place right before me, I could see several portals. They appeared like beaming laser lights as they streamed from Heaven to Prayer Mountain on Earth. In this encounter, Prayer Mountain represented the Bride of Christ.

Equipping Encounters

In 2024, I believe many in the Body of Christ will enter into supernatural EQUIPPING ENCOUNTERS in glory realms that have not been experienced before. These will be encounters to combat the deep darkness that covers the people that Isaiah 60:2 speaks of. They will fill us with the light of Christ, the hope of glory; and this glory will shine through us, reflecting our divine union with Him.

In these realms, we are armed to take the battle that is raging on Earth, to take the land previously known as enemy territory for the Kingdom of God, and to see the prophetic promises of God spoken over our lives, cities, regions and nations turn from a BATTLE GROUND into our PROMISED LAND.

Ascend and Govern, Seated in Glory 

The Lord said, “I will overturn royal thrones and shatter the power of foreign kingdoms of this world. I am making you My signet ring to reign with My Kingdom authority (Haggai 2:22-23). THE BATTLE IS REAL, but let Me remind you that THE WAR IS WON! It’s time to take dominion and govern.”

The Lord said to me, “Psalm 24 for 2024: Ascend and govern, seated in glory.”

“Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in His holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.” (Psalm 24:3-4) (Photo via Pixexid)

Here I was, high above all the white noise and distraction. The strong sense was one of being spiritually pure, stripped of all worldly grime. In order to ASCEND AND GOVERN, SEATED IN THE GLORY, it will require us to get rid of our worldly grime.

Open Up You Gates, You Ancient Doors!

I heard the words “Be ready.” Then I heard the Lord say, “Open up you gates, you ancient doors of destiny. BE READY to welcome Me, for I am the King of glory, the Mighty One, the invincible Commander of Heaven’s hosts. Be ready, for I am coming in and through you (Psalm 24:7-9)!”

Jesus is the gateway to the glory. I believe we will see the gates open to cities, regions and nations, making way for the King of glory to come in. Many will be given access to and take spiritual dominion over these areas and regions, breaking territorial strongholds and freeing the sons of God to arise, co-rule and reign with Jesus.

Jesus, the King of glory, is announcing that He is coming to use you in mighty ways to do great exploits, to do unexplainable miracles, and to change and transform the lives of people around you through Him. Be ready!

A Holy and Royal Mantling

From this encounter in the glory realm, I could see a myriad of angels, and I could hear them singing of the Lord, “Holy forever… Holy, holy, holy!” (Revelation 4:8). They surrounded the Bride as they worshiped the Lord, and the Bride was ushered into the heavenly chambers. From my seat in this holy place, I saw the angels’ wings unveiling the Bride. What took place before me was astounding. There was a holy and royal mantling being bestowed upon the Bride.

Revelation 4:4 speaks of the 24 elders seated around the throne. Immediately, the equation 12 x 2 flashed before my eyes. The number 12 speaks of government and authority. I believe a DOUBLE-PORTION outpouring of governmental authority is coming upon the Bride. I believe a fresh and weighty revelation of our mandate, authority, power and identity is coming to the Body of Christ so that we can take dominion, reign, and govern in glory as we sit at the right hand of the Father (Ephesians 6:2).

Divine Downloads

It is here, in the glory and communion with Him, that divine downloads, vital for the times, will come. In 2024 and beyond, I saw words and diagrams being supernaturally printed into the very hearts of the burning ones, like an artificial intelligence downloading onto a computer screen. But, there is nothing artificial about this; this is pure, divine intelligence from Heaven… new blueprints, Kingdom strategies, and architectural designs for the new-wine operating systems.

Hothouses of Heaven

I heard the Lord say, “HOTHOUSES OF HEAVEN!”

I saw a shift coming that will move many from operating in a mere human-flesh-based church to a Holy-Spirit-empowered movement of hothouses of Heaven. I saw raw, authentic lovers of Jesus. The Word of God will shoot forth from the mouths of these burning ones like the sword of the Lord. This will unite and ignite a new breed who has an insatiable passion to know Christ, the hope of glory! (Photo via Pexels)

I saw the new glory wine being poured out into nations. We will see nations shift into their God-given identities and destinies as a result of the new glory wine being poured out. They will become beacons to other nations as they operate in the miracle of His oil and new wine.

I saw the rise of fire-refined, 5-fold servant leaders with purified hearts. They are equipping a new breed of next-generation Jesus lovers—those marked as “next-gen generals.” They are the sold-out, set-apart, burning ones arising to lead a generation through the fire of reckless lawlessness into the land of prophetic promise and righteous rule and reign with Christ.

Yes, the world gets darker with corruption and deception, but the fire and the glory get brighter through the Ekklesia.

Go Low, Go Deep! Ascend to Your Seat!

I heard the Lord say these words: “Go low, go deep! Ascend to your seat!”

This is a strategic direction for us. I believe the Lord is saying to us that in order to ascend and take our seat, we must go low and go deep. We are to go low in humility, in tender surrender to the whisper of His heart, and then go deep into the sacred place to cultivate a deepening, covenanted oneness with Jesus, the King of glory. This is a key to ascend and unlock the glory realms. It is from this place that we can take our seat with Christ.

In 2024, I believe that as we yield in deeper dimensions of humility, we will access new, ascended dimensions of His holiness. This will position us to ascend and descend through the glory portals.

I believe many Believers will be ascending into the glory realms and descending to bring back the hidden treasures stored in heavenly places (Isaiah 45:3). They will then release the glorious riches from Heaven into the earth to impact change in the sphere of influence God has given to them.

Katie Dunstan
Breakfree Australia

Email: breakfreeaust@gmail.com
Facebook Ministry Page: Click here

Katie Dunstan is a First Nation Indigenous Christian leader, prophetic preacher, and revivalist. She serves as a founder of Breakfree Australia, a pioneering founder of Prophetic Voices of the Land, the author of Ancient Keys to a New Sound Rising from the Land, and the co-author of Healing Wounded Hearts. Katie sits on the Australian Prophetic Council and is part of ARC Global.

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