There are layers of training taking place right now as appointed heirs and sons move closer into “what the whole creation is groaning for, the manifestation of the sons of God.” This transition requires levels of test which serve to displace levels of flesh that remain in our being – sanctification of sorts.
There are times when persecution comes with the blessing – it’s not to destroy us but rather to teach us to keep our peace in the midst of the storm (this is a form of toughening us up). During extreme persecution we must dive deeper into God, trusting Him more, and learning He is our defender, therefore we don’t have to. The devil will always come for your blessing to exploit any weak chink in your armor – it’s normal for him to do so, but in the process, you must learn if you keep your mouth shut, not see the need to defend yourself, and thereby watch God become your defender. In time, the persecution will stop or change course, but the bite will be less each time you win the battle by putting all your trust in the Lord, keeping your peace, and even returning “good for evil, for which you will receive a blessing.”
 It took me years to learn this as I’m a fighter by nature, yet that old nature has no place in the Kingdom of God. For a son to become a “manifested son” he must survive a sanctification process that will require “keeping your eye only on Him” (Isaiah 26:3). Some of these persecutions will be tough but remember “He is preparing a table before you in the presence of your enemies.” If you vacillate into the flesh when attacked, repent immediately and all on your ‘prepared table’ will be spared. You will be tested in this specific arena UNTIL YOU GET VICTORY OVER IT!
Fight on (in the spirit)!
Clay Sikes

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