“When we talk about the mission field that is Iran, we are talking about a rapidly increasing harvest. Iranians are interested,” Transform Iran’s Lana Silk says.
“They want to hear the Gospel, but an immediate need becomes, ‘Do we have enough people who can lead the hundreds and thousands who are coming to the Lord?’”
New believers need strong leaders because “there are so many things that need to be completely relearned by someone who comes from a Muslim background,” Silk continues.
“You need people who can walk with them and teach them, ‘God is not like who you thought Allah was. No, God is not angry with you. He’s not waiting to judge you. He loves you. He wants to hear your voice.’”
Transform Iran is committed to developing leaders that will change Iran and the surrounding region. More about that here.
The ministry uses one-on-one counseling and mentoring, intensive live training seminars, and a host of digital and printed media to support and equip leaders as they grow in Christ.
Your help makes it all possible. Find ways to support Transform Iran’s work here.
Make sure you add Iran to your daily prayer list, too. “Prayer is the most important, isn’t it? If we don’t do it (our work) through the power of anointing of the Holy Spirit, then we’re doing it in human strength, and then we’re in trouble,” Silk says.
“Let’s pray for those who come to know Jesus — that they are grounded in the Word, that they grow as disciples; pray that they’re fruitful. Pray that leaders are raised up [who] can look after this growing church.”
Header image courtesy of Transform Iran.