Last night in Batavia rivaled the first two nights. The Tent was full as Catherine and her team led the people in a wonderful time of song and praise to God.

God met us there and the anointing was flowing both through Catherine and later through Mario. People were being touched and ministered to from the first moment. When Catherine was singing, “House of Miracles,” you could feel the Spirit of God already beginning to move through the Tent, touching people.

Mario began by telling the audience he had been praying for them today before the meeting. He shared that families in the Western NY region are going to be reunified and that the greatest emotional hurt currently going on in the United States is a new version of loneliness. Where you can still feel it when you are in a group of people, or in a relationship, or even if you are a billionaire.

The loneliness Satan has unleashed on America is incapable of being isolated to any class or race of people. And with it comes something else terrible: the feeling of being worthless. And this is what is driving the drug trade.

He said, the reason people need medication and drugs is to get rid of pain. And this generation is in more pain than any generation of American’s that came before.

It’s not that you have it harder now. It’s not what’s going on in your life making you miserable. It’s your inability to cope with it, or see hope in it, or track that there is something that’s meaningful.

Mario said he began to realize there is a cry in the American heart. Not a lack of money, or lack of love, but a lack of an inner heart that can endure.

He then told about when Jacob was alone and God appeared to him, and then they wrestled. At that moment, Jacob was saying that he had no value, no meaning, and so he chose to grab God and refuse to let go until God blesses him. He was refusing to let go until he felt like something that has value, like something that matters.

Jacob felt like a nobody despite all he had, and needed someone who would tell him he was somebody. That he had worth.

They wrestled all night until near morning when God touched and dislocated Jacob’s hip joint, and Jacob still refused to let go.

Then Mario said to the people that he knows they had cried out for help but they had been abandoned. Some by people they never expected would let them down.

He asked how could God break Jacob’s hip, but not break his grip. Surely the strength required to break the hip was greater than the strength required to break Jacob’s grip.

God cannot resist the cry of one of His children. Jacob was not able to hold on to God by his physical strength, but by the depth of his longing for God.

Mario asked, what would be the most influential Christian in America? What Christian would be the most likely to lead another soul to Christ? The excited Christian? The humble Christian? Or the Christian who hasn’t yet been trained to control their joy.

“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news” (Isaiah 52:7 NKJV).

He told them, “I’m not bringing you a drug. Not bringing a momentary thrill or a moment of eloquence. But telling you someone loves you more than you can imagine. Someone Who died for you on the cross. When you felt betrayed or abandoned, when you needed them most and they left, Jesus stood by and wept, ready to step in.”

He said, the devil has got plans for you: addiction, abandonment, betrayal, disappointment, heartache, and sickness. But God stepped in and when His Son died on the cross, with His arms spread wide, with nails in His hands and feet, it was for you. For what you’re feeling, what you’re going through. The grief you had was laid on Him so His joy can be upon you forever.

Mario said it is a victory to get saved. The contest of where you’ll spend eternity is the contest the devil loses when you get saved. His plan for messing you up and his right to make your life an endless misery is over.

Mario shared about when he was saved as a young man.

He said that suddenly he didn’t worry about the future. His life wasn’t gauged by his bank account. And he had no need to know the right people, because all the most popular people suddenly changed from someone he ‘needed to know’, to someone who needed to know Jesus.

Mario had the people bow their heads and close their eyes. He challenged them that they don’t need to wait one more week, not one more day, to decide. All that will happen is more of the same: A vicious cycle of disappointment and rejection; trying so hard to find love, only to be totally wrecked.

“I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10 NKJV).

There was an amazing response once again to the appeal. And many, many people came forward. Even several very young children. It was a beautiful sight, as always, to see these people who were saying, “I want Jesus. I want to be transformed. I want to know that God loves me and values me.”

After Mario prayed with them, they went out and were ministered to by our amazing volunteers. And as Catherine and her team came up and sang, “Look What the Lord Has Done,” the place was electric with the excitement of what God has just done in so many lives.

Mario then went on to preach about Moses. He was talking about how he’d given up his dream and was living on the back side of the desert tending sheep. He said, it doesn’t matter what you look like now or what you’re doing now. The devil knows your potential.

Your bank account, your money, your opportunity, and your education level does not define you. For a time Moses was tending sheep, but, look out—soon the world would see that a man of God is coming. And you need to tell the devil you are coming.

He talked about the law of thermodynamics, that when wood burns it is consumed, and a desert bush burns fast. But Moses saw a bush being burned, but not being consumed. And that saved the world, because Moses saw the bush and said, “This I have got to see” and then he encountered God.

“This I have got to see,” means that we have been wrong about how to attract the outsider. We have tried to make Christianity ‘explainable’, not realizing the attraction is the ‘unexplainable’ nature of Christianity.

He told them that people who go to a rock concert are not upset about how loud it is or how long it is. Mario explained that he’s not advocating for noise, but for the fact that what you think the outsider will be drawn by is not right.

He then described fans going to a football game, sitting in the cold, yelling, not caring how long it is taking or how hard the seats are. Not being upset that the coach didn’t greet them.

They don’t care about the noise, the cold, or how long it is, because they are excited. And that’s what church needs to become, exciting. God wants meetings where the power is so strong that no one is ever the same. Where the prostitute is saved, the alcoholic is delivered, and the lukewarm pastor goes back to his first love.

“For I will not dare to speak of any of those things which Christ has not accomplished through me, in word and deed, to make the Gentiles obedient— in mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God, so that from Jerusalem and round about to Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ” (Romans 15:18-19 NKJV).

Mario told the people he wanted God to use them. That God was going to heal tonight, but that He wanted to do it through the people.

As Mario had the people pray in the Spirit, power swelled in the Tent as the people began praying aloud. It was a powerful moment as the atmosphere totally changed and the Holy Spirit filled the Tent.

Then Mario began to identify people who were being healed in every section of the Tent: heart disease, spine conditions, cancer, and blindness.

He told people to begin to get up and walk, that the power of God was on their spines and legs. And people began standing up all over the Tent and walking, some shakily at first, but all getting stronger as they went.

Mario pointed to a man in the front, had him put his hand on his forehead, and told him he was being healed of cancer. That there were tumors in three places in his body.

He had people continue to pray in the Spirit. Then said people were being healed of diabetes and skin cancer. And more people were being healed of cancer.

Backs, legs, livers, lungs, heart disease all being healed all over the Tent. So many healings happening he wasn’t even stopping to point each person out, just naming the things God was healing everywhere at once.

Next Mario called out a woman who was being filled with the Holy Spirit while she was being healed. She was supposed to be going for an operation, but Mario assured her that it would no longer be necessary.

He said there were three people whose ears were being healed and a woman in the center had her ears suddenly ‘pop’ and she could hear.

He then pointed out a woman who had rarely been able to sleep because of a sickness. And God was healing it. And she was also healed of vicious headaches and excruciating pain in the base of the spine.

Finally he highlighted two people who turned out to be brother and sister. The sister had bursitis and arthritis in all her joints and she was being healed. As well as advanced acid reflux.

Then Mario told the man next to her that strength had been restored to his right side. The man raised up his cane and his back brace that he came with and now no longer needed.

It was an incredibly powerful night. The salvations and the healings were as amazing as ever!

If you missed it, don’t fret, you can come to Eau Claire, WI or Albany, OR. The details are at

We need many volunteers and we would love to have you sign up to join us in changing this nation through mighty signs and wonders from God.


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