Dear Ron,

The word “esteem” has been echoing in my heart. In relationships, esteem speaks of respecting and valuing others.

Have you ever felt like someone looked down on you? Maybe it was not anything in particular that they said, but just a feeling you had when you were with them.

By way of contrast, there are also those from whom we feel genuine warmth and caring. We feel like they are interested in us, our lives, and our thoughts, and they value us as a person.

Just as we appreciate it when we are treated with caring and respect, so do others. In our American culture, we have lost some of the understanding of what it means to respect and honor others. We see disrespect in society on almost every level, from the government all the way down to the home.

Yet within the church, we are taught to honor one another and to show respect. We are to esteem others more than ourselves.

Godly esteem begins with the Word of God: “Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way” Psalm 119:128.

God’s Word teaches us to esteem others: “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves” Philippians 2:3.

We are to respect those who minister the Word of God. “Continue to hold them in the highest esteem for the sake of the work they do. Practice living at peace with one another” 1 Thessalonians 5:13 (Williams).

We are to practice being at peace with others! To “practice” is to do something repeatedly in order to improve or maintain one’s proficiency. In doing so, it becomes who we are, or habitually the way we respond.

Having genuine care, love, and respect for others is a quality we can all cultivate in our own lives. Day by day as we “choose” to love, God’s love is being formed in us. It becomes “no longer I,” but now Christ’s love living in us. His love in us not only blesses others, but brings peace into our own lives. I know of no better place to dwell than in His love!

I am so glad the Lord is changing us from the inside out! Our inner attitude projects beyond our words at times. Somehow we are able to feel it when someone genuinely likes us, or doesn’t. When we esteem others, that feeling of warmth in our hearts can also be felt by them.

In our interactions, there may be times we don’t know what to say, but as we quietly and prayerfully simply listen, we are able to show that we care. From that place of quietness, at times the right words do come. Other times, just being there communicates caring.

May we learn ways to express care and concern as we esteem others. May we look for the good and give positive feedback. May our words be encouraging, not judgmental. May we identify with others’ feelings, weeping with those who weep and laughing with those who laugh. May we pray for wisdom and understanding as we trust the Lord for the right way to respond to each one He brings across our path.

May that which is projected from our hearts, even beyond our words, be as a sweet fragrance, pleasing to the Lord and to others.

Upcoming Parousia Gatherings

Our Parousia Gatherings are wonderful opportunities to come apart with others who have a deep, inner hunger for more of the Lord.

Steve Porter and his dad, fondly known as “Dad Porter,” will be with us at our Summer Parousia Gathering, July 27, 2024. We welcome you to come and bring a friend! Advance RSVP is required!

Our Fall Parousia Gathering will be October 26, 2024. Advance RSVP is required!

More information can be found on our website.

For each Parousia Gathering, please be sure to let us know you are coming and how many are coming with you, so we can reserve the right number of seats.

For those who aren’t able to come, please consider participating by keeping us in prayer.

Our Website

“Entering a New Season,” by Wade Taylor, speaks of us entering into a new season! This, and other articles, can be read by going to our website and clicking on Article of the Month. As a forerunner, truths my dad spoke bring a relevant word for today and also move beyond the present day into the day still before us. His teachings are a present word for those who have a desire to “follow on to know the Lord.”

Also on our website, under Nancy’s Corner, you will find teachings by me and Living Room Moments with Allen. Audio messages by my dad and by me are under Messages to Hear.

Our prayer is that through the songs and teachings on our website, the Lord will minister His Spirit and life to you, that you might be strengthened and encouraged in your daily walk.

Email List

If you are not on our email list, I encourage you to join! Most updates are now communicated through emails. To either join or to update your email address, go to Toward the bottom of the home page, you will find a place to add your email address. Or, you can go to the Contact and Support page and add your email address there.


Our prayer is that you increasingly prosper, both spiritually and in your life circumstances, beyond all that you have experienced in the past, and also, may you be blessed in life, in health, and in all that is before you.

Prayerfully yours,

Nancy Taylor Tate

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