Joe Joe Dawson: “Into Freedom”

Joe Joe Dawson, Texarkana, Texas
Jul 15, 2024


On the Shore of a Large Lake

I recently had a prophetic dream that I immediately knew had a significant and powerful message for many in the Body of Christ in this season.

In the dream, I was standing on the shore of what looked to be a very large lake. The land around me was sort of woodsy, and the water was clear and beautiful, but all around were spiders, spiderwebs, and snakes. There were so many that you had to be careful where you stepped or stood. And as I looked out into the water, I could see it was swarming with alligators.

Then I saw a large, sturdy boat docked nearby, so I called to the people around me, “Come on! Let’s get in this boat and go around to the other side away from the spiders, snakes, and alligators.”

We all safely got into the boat, and I sat down on what was probably like a tanning ledge with two other people.

As we moved through the water, the alligators kept moving closer and closer to our boat, even though we were going pretty fast. One of the people next to me started leaning out over the edge of the boat, trying to touch them with his hand or foot. I started warning him not to do that because he could fall in or get attacked by the alligators, but he wouldn’t listen. He kept insisting that he was fine and wouldn’t heed my warnings of danger. Then he leaned over too far and fell in. Immediately, he was surrounded by alligators and was quickly gone. The other people on the boat began to panic, but I sensed a peace in the dream that I knew was from the Lord. I encouraged them to not be afraid and that we would all be fine as long as we kept going.

A Beautiful New Land

In the dream, we pulled up to the new piece of land, and I started walking to the front of the boat to get off onto the shore, but when I looked around, I saw that many of the people that had been on the boat when we left the spider and snake infested land were now gone. There was now only a very small group of us still on the boat. (Photo via Picryl)

I asked the others, “What happened to everyone else?” And they all just replied that they hadn’t made it.

As we all got out onto the shore, there were no snakes, spiders, spiderwebs, or alligators in sight. The land was so beautiful that all I could think about in the dream was that it was like the Garden of Eden.

We all took a deep breath and then looked back at where we had come from, and it just looked like a tiny strip of land in the distance. We all marveled at how far we had come and how different this new place was. On the other piece of land we were constantly on edge, looking where we stepped because of all the spiders, spiderwebs, and snakes. We began to explore the land we were on, and then I woke up from the dream.

It’s Time to Transition

I believe this dream has a clear prophetic warning for many in the Body of Christ in this season. It’s time to transition. For many of you, the Lord is calling you out of the dangerous, infested, and even demonic places where you have felt trapped and into freedom! It’s time to move into freedom, my friends!

I believe the two different pieces of land also represent old religious tradition and Kingdom living. The snakes, spiders, spiderwebs, and alligators on the first piece of land were reflections of the sinister nature of the religious spirit. When you are dealing with a religious atmosphere, spirit, or system, you are constantly having to keep your guard up and eyes on the demonic traps the enemy has placed around you. However, like the second piece of land on the other side, when you are in a Kingdom atmosphere or mindset, you are able to move in freedom and clarity.

I believe many are being called into a season of transition in this time.

Many people have a hard time moving into freedom and the Kingdom of God because religious systems attempt to trap people there. It’s also difficult for some to transition because they don’t know that freedom is available to them. At first I did not see the boat in the dream because I was so focused on the immediate threat of the spiders and snakes.

So in this season, I want to challenge you to allow the Lord to show you the way of escape. If you find yourself constantly under attack, feeling trapped and stunted in your pursuit of God, then it is time for you to get in the boat and get to the other side. It’s time to step into freedom! (Photo via Pxhere)

The Lord may be calling you out of one ministry or church and into another body of Believers. The Lord may be calling you out of one geographical location and into another. He may be calling you out of one job, business, alignment, or assignment and into another. This is a season where God wants to see you take the courageous step into freedom and out of the places that have been hindering you.

Stepping into Freedom in the Month of July

I believe that God is doing some big things and is moving people into position for what He is about to do. The Lord has spoken to me several times about how powerful and strategic both August and September of this year are going to be. But because the Lord loves His people, He is using the month of July to show them the reality of the places where they might be finding themselves and is calling them into freedom. God is looking for those who are willing to make the treacherous journey of transition—to navigate it wisely—so that they can arrive on new shores, to take on new assignments, and to move into greater levels of freedom!

This is your time, my friends! Step out in faith. Say goodbye to the religious traditions that have kept you from experiencing the fullness of what God has for you in His Kingdom. This is your season to launch into freedom!

Joe Joe Dawson
Joe Joe Dawson Ministries


Joe Joe Dawson is the founder and Apostle of ROAR Apostolic Network and ROAR Church Texarkana. Joe Joe is married to the love of his life, Autumn Dawson and they have three children Malachi, Judah, and Ezra. The Dawson’s live and teach a lifestyle of revival and awakening. Their desire is to see every Believer fulfill their God-given destiny and live life to the fullest in God. Joe Joe is also the author of Living Your God-Sized Dream and Recipe for Revival.

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