I don’t watch many movies but one of my older daughters insisted I watch ‘V for Vendetta’ with her. It happened to be one of those movies that leaves us wondering how much truth is hidden behind the fiction. One part I’ll never forget was when a young woman (chosen to make a difference in a dictatorial, chaotic world) came to a point of utter brokenness, which led to her raising her arms in absolute surrender to the cause. As I watched this I was reminded of the reason we are broken, and that is to bring us to a place where we surrender our all.

The fragrance from Mary’s alabaster box could not be released
until it was broken. To activate the anointing and ignite revival you will need to allow the Lord to totally break the outer you so the inner fragrance can be released.

Watchman Nee comments on this theme by writing, ‘The breaking
of the alabaster box and the anointing of God filled the house with the odor, with the sweetest odor. Everyone could smell it.
Wherever you meet someone who has really suffered, been limited, gone through things for the Lord, willing to be imprisoned for the Lord, just being satisfied with Him and nothing else, immediately you scent the fragrance. There is a savor of the Lord. Something has been crushed, something has been broken, and there is a resulting odor of sweetness’.

Psalm 51:17 (NKJV) The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A
broken and a contrite heart – These, O God, You will not despise.

The greatest need in Christendom today is not necessarily more
training seminars and conferences. The supreme need is for men
and women to be broken before God. Once broken we will be
empowered with divine supernatural energy and the anointing will
be overwhelmingly evident and we will be well equipped for revival.

During the Welsh Revival of 1904-05, the song that was heard
frequently from the lips of broken, contrite hearts was, ‘Bend me
lower, lower, down at Jesus’ feet’.

Peterus Octavianus, a man greatly used by God in the 1973 revival in Borneo, reminds us, “Revivals do not begin happily with everyone having a good time. They start with a broken and contrite heart.”

Smith Wigglesworth believes,”You can not take people into the
depths of God unless you have been broken yourself. I have been
broken, and broken, and broken. Praise God He is near to those
who have a broken heart. You must have brokenness to get into
the depths of God”…

Psalm 34:18 (NKJV) The LORD is near to those who have a
broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.

Many people are tentative at the prospect of being broken, but let
me assure you from someone who has been broken again and
again, that there is blessing in brokenness. Without brokenness
we would remain proud, arrogant, selfish, and callous. The
outcome of brokenness is genuine humility and a total reliance on God.

“The question is no longer if revival will come, but rather through
whom will revival come? Where are the humble and broken people who will allow God to birth a mighty visitation through them? Where are the ones who are willing to empty themselves of their own agendas and plans in order to become pregnant with God’s vision for revival? Will YOU allow Jesus to break you and use you in the coming revival? Invite the Holy Spirit even now to fill you with that kind of all-consuming vision and calling. Yield to the Spirit and give Him permission to ache, weep and pray through you! Humble yourself and repent of ANYTHING that would hinder or quench the Spirit of revival! Ask the Lord to let you feel what He feels about the state of the Church and the world. This is the season and time for us to fast, weep and pray for a true visitation of God”… David Smithers.

“I was at ease, but He has broken me asunder (shattered me)”
(Job 16:12). This is not to debilitate you, rather it is to prepare you to be gloriously anointed for revival. Delwyn McAlister.

REVIVAL List is published by-
Andrew Strom,
West Auckland,
New Zealand.

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