That which may seem to the current church systems to be the biggest and worst tragedy of the world is really, in the ultimate wisdom of God, a work that opens the way to a great blessing of the breakthrough of this world becoming the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

This is not to say that God instigated or caused the great tragedies to occur. Satan was released by mankind to create the terrible times that bring man to the end of his ways and cause a massive correction and salvation of God’s created world with all its marvelous systems of continued existence to the glory of God.


All religions have a measure of truth, but most are connected to the wrong head. A broad range of many Christian religious church systems all claim to have the true Head, Christ Jesus. However, most, if not all of them, ARE NOT REALLY FULLY CONNECTED TO KING JESUS AS HEAD!

In this article, we will not further discuss the failure of the connection or the results of it in this world. However, it is crucial to understand that the true measure of it is the presence of unconditional, pure, holy LOVE.

Literally, millions of believers could testify of painful experiences of the lack of this love within the systems. “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35. Our role in loving one another is integral and inseparable from our spiritual journey.

The abuse from the enemy throughout the world will greatly oppress the current systems and methods of the church systems, and that, coupled with the internal failures within the systems, will bring the church age to an end and open the way for the love kingdom of God age to fill the earth.

This system failure will leave hundreds of millions of Christians in an emptiness and a desire for more of God. There will be great need and hunger for the “real” life connected with God through an in-love relationship with Him and all brothers and sisters in the world.

This overwhelming longing and desperate desire for the reality of God in and within their lives will lead to discovering the reality of the true love kingdom of God in Christ Jesus coming forth in the hearts and lives of His people on earth by the Holy Spirit.


For over thirty years, to my knowledge, a growing number of ordinary men from different walks of life have heard from God and begun proclaiming the word of the kingdom of God that is now coming forth in His chosen people. Many have tried to bring forth the word of the reality of the kingdom of God to the people of the church systems with little to no success.

We have sought to bring the kingdom to a people and systems that did not want it. A growing number, mostly outside the systems, have heard and are moving or growing rapidly in the kingdom of love reality by the indwelling of Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.  

Some of these kingdom disciples are already sowing the kingdom love in different gatherings and relationships outside the systems. This article is to encourage these and bring forth many more who can prepare for the great hunger of many seekers in great need of the kingdom of God reality.

The kingdom disciple gatherings now taking place are often generic and organic and may or may not be loosely connected to an existing system of ministry or business of some sort.

The term “kingdom disciple gatherings,” as I am using it here, is not a formal name for a new ministry or another church system. To me, KDGs are any occasion at any time and anywhere two or three or more gather in love in the name of Jesus to commune around the kingdom of God reality as Christ leads by the Holy Spirit.

These KDGs are not all about teaching. They are first about love, relationship with God and with one another, and secondly impartation, as well as teaching the word of the kingdom from the Bible.

The key word about the KDG is REAL. It is real people sharing their self and their part of the kingdom with each other in small gatherings in homes, businesses, or wherever possible.

Gatherings of 2 or 3 and up to 12 adults are an ideal maximum. When the gatherings reach 15 adults, possibly 2 or 3 of them may need to consider starting another gathering. There are no set rules. There are general concepts or considerations. However, there are a few spiritual absolutes.

The KDGs must be a gathering IN THE NAME OF JESUS. This means not under any other name, organization, or system. Gathering in the name of Jesus assures the promise that He will be there in the gathering. The use of any other name, whether man or system, such as a church, denomination, ministry, business, or person, could dilute or hinder the presence and power of Jesus by the Holy Spirit. “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Matthew 18-20.

Since Jesus is there, He is the leader by the Holy Spirit. Jesus, by the Holy Spirit will lead in the meeting through several people on different subjects during the gathering. Whichever person has experiential wisdom or insight from the lord on the subject at hand should speak up and lead the discussion on that subject or understanding.

The leadership of the gathering is true biblical eldership. Eldership is not an office of authority but it is a person who is one step or more further down the same road and at the same level. Everyone is an elder to those who are behind him or her on the same road and always at the same level. Wisdom is stored in the hearts of people through experiences of hearing God and responding.

Sometimes, the leadership is more of a question or request than a statement. The question may or may not come from a very new person with a situation or need in their life that Jesus may want to minister to at this time.

Spiritual giftings are free to operate as directed by Christ Jesus through Holy Spirit God. None of the gifts, including the five ministry gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd, or teacher, are offices of authority. Spiritual gifts are for serving the people of God and empowering them to minister miraculous, powerful, loving works of God in the lives of His people.

Special gift manifestations such as a spiritual word of knowledge, a word of wisdom, a word of prophecy, a special word of healing, a message in an unknown tongue and interpretation, or any other gift from the New Testament that is given by Spirit God are free to function in the kingdom disciple gatherings.

All of these gifts and others should and may function without being formally identified as such through the flow of communing together in conversation and prayer or worship.


The purpose of gathering can be expressed in many aspects. However, the ultimate primary purpose is to fall in love with God and with one another and to receive and express love with God and one another.

Recalling and speaking our thankfulness to God and sharing the loving care of God and all God has done for us with the group opens the doors of our hearts to loving appreciation for all God has and is doing for us. We spiritually begin to enter the gates of His presence with our heartfelt words of thanksgiving. Then, as we begin to praise Him together in song with heavenly music, we enter the garden of His heavenly courts. “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.” Psalms 100:4.

True worship is inside the courtroom of God as we, in prayer and in worship, sing our words directly spoken by all of the group directly to God, expressing our love to Him. Songs about God and our relationship with Him are NOT the same as words said or sung directly TO God. Sing to God, not just about God.

Speaking to God in unison as one voice, from our hearts of love and deep gratitude for His love life of passionate peace, our hearts melt and are consumed in His love. As we sing our words of love TO Him with heavenly music, the manifest presence of God and ministering angels fill the room. Our hearts are melted into one with God and one another in the presence of His glory. Holy angels join in the love fest unto God and empower healing of the body, soul, and spirits of those in need.

Jesus with us changes everything in us into His life that heals all wounds, forgives all wrongs, and fills us with peace and joy beyond all understanding. We are one with Jesus, Father God, and Holy Spirit. Our emotions are overwhelmed as pure, holy love flows in us for one another, and our hearts are filled with praise to God as glory fills the room, and our hearts will never go back to being as we were before.

With our love overwhelmed emotions, we may cry or laugh or shout and run or jump up and down or vibrate or shake for a moment or hours, fall to the floor, and lay there for minutes or hours in communion with God. We do not seek after these results of overwhelmed emotions but we also do not fear or deny them. When we truly are filled by the love and power of Almighty God, powerful things happen to us.  

This is the “real” that the hearts of multitudes are desperately desiring. This is the kingdom of God manifesting on earth.

The theme is always loving, honoring, praising, worshiping, and glorifying God together as one voice, communing or interacting face to face in pure, holy love with Him.

The tone is conversational as we converse with God in Christ Jesus by Holy Spirit and one another in spiritual communion.

Through these loving spiritual interactions, we become truly related to God and to one another as one.


Some practical guidance is released in someone in accordance with location and conditions. Locations can be anywhere suitable amenities are available. Homes are probably the number one place for KDGs. However, business places, rented rooms, or under a tree will do if conditions are right. The person in charge of the home or business may provide some house rules and guidance. Such as Dinner is ready, let’s eat now with some added instructions regarding seating provisions, children’s needs, bathroom facilities, and whatever else is needed.

Special arrangements for children should be arranged and explained if needed. Generally, all children or young people of any age are to be included in the gathering as one group. Even babies and small children should be present if they can be quiet while coloring or drawing or just lying on the floor or whatever. If they cannot be quiet, they should be in another room with a parent or someone of the parent’s choosing.

If the gathering is in a home, there should be a meal prepared and served buffet style as most, if not all, have arrived. A prayer of thanksgiving for the food and inviting God’s presence in the Holy Spirit to the gathering. It is usually good for those who desire to bring a part of the meal.

Eating together with conversation is a natural social function that is needed to grow together in the Lord. It also may reveal some spiritual conditions and situations that Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, may want to minister to later in the meeting. Everyone should be eating within hearing of one another although there may be many conversations going on at the same time. In other words, just not off in different rooms.

The emphasis throughout the gathering is oneness with everyone together in an informal circle-type arrangement with layers and on the floor if needed or desired.


Again, God in Christ by the Spirit is leading the gathering and will determine the time and last actions. If the gathering is going later than expected, the household person should point out that if some have to leave, please feel free to do so with love and blessings. The gathering should continue until Spirit God is ready and allows the closing to come about with prayer and or hugs or however the Spirit leads.

If the gathering is in a rented hall or business space with a definite time limit for the gathering to end, that should be announced at the beginning of the meeting.


I have personally experienced or witnessed all that is written in this article. It is written from the down-the-road wisdom of the experience of an elder at 91 years of age.

Please pray and consider moving in some way toward the reality of the kingdom of God disciple gatherings in your life environment. And please be aware of the moments of encounters with a friend or friends to call upon the name of Jesus and through conversation share the reality of the kingdom of God changing our lives and the world around us.

Much Love and Blessings,

Ron McGatlin

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