Faith Marie Baczko: “Step into the ‘Future You’!”

Faith Marie Baczko, Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Jul 27, 2024


Do You Not Perceive It?

God is now moving a people progressively out of an old dynamic to position them within a new paradigm, where they will be anchored in strength, wisdom, and understanding; greater faith and greater glory. His question to us is: “Do you not perceive it?” God’s new thing works to undergird our lives with having the potential to transform them toward His purposes. God’s intended future for our lives must begin to orchestrate and dictate our present trajectory toward His dream.

Having received a revelation from God, it is important to give it our full attention as it increases and expands in scope as we press in for more! Our eyes tend to only see and our ears only hear what our minds have been programmed to look for. Therefore, the scope of our understanding can be very limited. By giving our attention to revelation God has planned for our lives, we will start to see more and look forward toward greater possibilities than we have experienced so far.

If we do not resist Him, God will sculpt and fashion our lives toward His purposes. Our future self is, or should be, the blueprint of God’s intention fashioned for us. His purpose is to create a masterpiece from our lives that is a replica of His Son in us. All that is not of Him is being chiseled away from our lives.

It is important to give our full attention to the prophetic image of the person God is creating and draw from that in establishing our future. It is time to engage with God over who we are to become. Because we serve a God of the impossible, there are no limits to His plan for our lives. With faith as the driver in our walk, our minds will become enlarged to envision the greater things and the possibility of seeming impossibilities.

The apostolic saints of God represent the Kingdom of God as ambassadors of the King. It’s important to now be bold about our identity—who God created us be. We can’t allow fear to dictate who we are. In this hour everyone must know their identity and what they are called to, regardless of the naysayers. Remove the old image you have worn over past years, the image others may have tried to brand you with. Remove it with confidence!

It is important to now let go of the past and the old wineskin, and embrace the future dynamic prepared by God for you. Shift your perspective from the present to the future and begin to see and perceive the things God has waiting up ahead—the new connections, new spheres, and new friendships—ready to receive all that has been deposited in you. However, certain things must end and doors must be closed in order for new beginnings to break forth!

Coming into a Season of Fullness

We are entering a season of leveling up in our understanding, in our ministry, in our knowledge, and in our apprehension of the majesty and power of Christ. God will show Himself to us in ways we have not seen before. A new anointing awaits those who perceive, who are pressing on, expecting and believing for the “more.” This is a new place where the light and life of Christ, deposited and growing within over the years, is ready to be released. OUR CUPS ARE ABOUT TO OVERFLOW.

Those of us who perceive and are moving in sync with God are now coming into a SEASON OF FULLNESS, where the life of Christ will break out and overflow in our lives to all the spheres where we have been given influence. We are entering the glory days of the “Day of His Power.” (Photo via PickPik)

Releasing His Light

“Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the LORD will arise OVER YOU, and His glory will be seen UPON YOU. The Gentiles shall come to YOUR LIGHT, and kings to the BRIGHTNESS OF YOUR RISING.” (Isaiah 60:1–3 NKJV, emphasis added)

This is the time for the people of God to shine! In Isaiah 60:1, the word shine is the Hebrew word or, which translates to “become a light.” It means “shine,” “luminous,” “glorious,” and “set on fire” (Bible Hub, Strong’s H215).

The Lord shall RISE UPON YOU!

In this same verse, the word arise is “zarach,” meaning “to irradiate (or shoot forth beams), i.e. TO RISE (AS THE SUN)” (Bible Hub, Strong’s H2224).

His glory shall be seen upon you! The Lord will rise like the glory of the sun on a prepared army of humble servants. The brilliance of His glory shall be seen and be noticeable on the laid-down lovers of God. His light will irradiate from your spirit man, shooting forth beams of His glory and power. The word used is kabod and represents His weighty glory that shall appear upon you!

When we, as His temple, speak under the unction and anointing of the Lord to declare His Word with authority, His light is released! We call forth what is not as though it were, causing the future to collide and crash into the present!

God’s Word moves purposefully with strength, faster than the speed of light, as He is the source of light. Jesus Christ is present in the NOW, is outside of time, and enters time at will!

“So is My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11 NIV)

The time to decree His Word and release His light and His overflowing goodness into the darkness is now! God is working in the chaos to shift circumstances to His agenda, to change seasons, to rebuild, to realign, to reorder, to restructure, to lay new foundations, and to restore the ancient paths of righteousness. This is the time of reaping from all the years of sowing in tears! It is important to be listening closely for what God would say to us in these times as to our walk and our purpose.

Capturing the Heart of the Harvest

This hour will be defined by the five-fold. Evangelists and teachers are especially being called to the forefront to gather and to disciple. It is imperative to capture the heart of the harvest and to disciple them in the Word of God—to build solid foundations in their lives where they cannot be recaptured or lost!

This is an hour for glory and miracles. God wants to show off in His kids and show Himself strong on their behalf. Deep darkness may cover the earth, but God has prepared the people who are not afraid of it. They are blind to it as they walk by great faith, having been saturated in the oil of His presence. Where lawlessness abounds, they shine forth presenting the order of God. Where evil is prevalent the goodness of God prevails and overcomes!

Jesus needs a people who are willing to walk fearlessly in the darkness as He would. Nothing can capture Him, nothing can stop or hinder Him, nothing can prevent His will from coming forth. Nothing can stop the force and power of the gospel of salvation from being released like a flood on the earth. He is God, He is Savior, and nothing can prevent Him from breaking out whenever and wherever He wants to. He may have been silent for a season, but in His appointed hour, He is unstoppable.

Practice These Things

MEDITATE ON THE WORD, PRAY IN TONGUES, WORSHIP AND PRAISE. Practicing these things daily will build up our spirit man to a place where God’s superpower grows and resides, ready to be dispatched and dispensed at His will. Worship, praise, and praying in tongues work to fill up our cups with all the goodness of God.

The hour calls for a people to break out of intimidation and self-consciousness—to let loose the Spirit of God held captive in them, hindered by fear and unbelief.

More Than Conquerors

We are caught in a shift in a significant season of history. With any transition into new territory, there will be struggles with adjusting to the new thing, but through it all, God will be at work to increase our capacity to contain more of His glory, and to hold the new ground He plans to entrust to us. With perseverance, if we choose not to give up, if we embrace the good fight of faith and fix our eyes on Jesus, life will change. We will find ourselves functioning at new levels and in new spheres in life and in ministry. (Photo via Pexels)

We will triumph in faith by pressing through the spiritual resistance that’s coming from all sides, and advancing in the power of God, and with the anointing of God—the anointing that breaks the yoke of poverty, shame, lack, fear, and guilt. Press through! Run the gauntlet of satanic arrows designed to trip you up and shut you down. Rise up in the energy of Christ, and like Paul, shout, “NO, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us!” (see Romans 8:37).

The prize goes to the one who takes hold of life and, in faith, makes their future conform to the promises of God, rather than to the one who allows the past and life’s circumstances to beat them down. The prize goes to the one who presses on with courage, who in spite of fear receives the crown. Your time has come! What will you do?

Let Your Faith Be Big!

There are numerous testimonies of people who heard the call of God, or the still small voice, and gave up their lives for the greater glory; they went on to do amazing things for God. They heard, they perceived the new thing, they obeyed, and they acted! With courage, they stepped out in faith and pulled eternity into present reality. Their lives counted for something much bigger than themselves and their small world. They were dreamers dreaming about possibilities rather than impossibilities.

Your call and your dream must become so big inside of you that they cannot be contained or shut down by anyone or anything, and like Jeremiah you, say, “…But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not” (Jeremiah 20:9). Your faith will create a bigger place in you for God to occupy and break the bonds intended to keep you small and average. Let your faith become big, grounded, and muscular. Faith is muscular and will destroy every barrier and mountain in your way.

Breaking Through Limitations & Possessing Your Promises

Always aim for the highest; go for the gold! God needs you to believe for the inheritance He has prepared for you. Your part is a key part of His unfolding plan intended to bring His Kingdom to Earth. It is not intended to bless only you; other people are waiting for the treasures He has deposited in you for them. They are waiting for the anointing on your life to break out! God needs you to possess your promises. He is looking for a return on His investment in you! He needs you in that country He put on your heart; He needs you to have that house, to start that ministry; He needs you to write that book.

God’s awesome work of Creation was done by faith and with the spoken Word (see Hebrews 11:3). We must do the same! Through Him, speak the future He has for you into existence; create with Him your world by faith. Talk yourself into your destiny. Stir up the gifts of God inside you. The patriarchs of old had the same fears that we all have, but they pressed through and changed the world.

The Lord is saying to you, “You have been functioning at a certain limited level for a long time because of restrictions and limitations: your perceived limitations in finances, health, education, gender, lack of affirmation or acknowledgment of your call or gift. You have come to the time for you to step up, to go to the next level. Take the risk and make the jump and watch Me catch you. Underneath you always resides [My] everlasting arms. I will always back you when I see your steps of faith. Faith will cause you to scale the mountains with ease as My hands uphold you and carry you.”

Faith Marie Baczko, President
Faith Marie Baczko Ministries| 
Headstone Ministries International


Faith Marie Baczko is the president of Headstone Ministries and Faith Marie Baczko Ministries. Faith is a dynamic apostolic and prophetic teacher, renowned for her extensive body of work. With numerous authored books, invaluable resources, and tailored online courses, her contributions are finely tuned to address the unique demands of this significant season. Faith possesses a deep understanding of the pivotal role Israel plays in the divine plans of God. Her unwavering dedication is focused on advancing the Kingdom of God and nurturing Believers toward the realization of their full Kingdom destiny. She envisions a generation characterized by discernment and courage, firmly rooted in Christ, and poised to impact the world in this appointed era.

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