We have been trained from birth with a bit and bridle in our mouths. The Babylonian bit and bridle was never God’s intention for people, we were never meant to be programmed or controlled by a system of slavery. Just like Israel who was born into slavery, as they were in Egypt 430 years, so we were born into Babylon, a slavery that we are just now realizing we have been in for many many decades. But thanks be to God, He has seen our subjecation to the dictates of men and has heard our cries to be free. Just like Israel was released from their long period of captivity in Egypt, so we are about to be released from our long captivity in Babylon.

Many people know Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you, to give you a future and a hope” but very few realize it was a prophetic word to a people who would spend decades in Babylonian captivity. I do not think it coincidental many believers have memorized that verse, for God is setting us, the captives of Babylon, free. Just as Israel endured the ten plagues before they were released, we are about to experience a shaking which is our making, not our breaking. God is making us into a free people, and He alone is decreeing, Babylon, Babylon is falling! (Revelation 18).

I was reading 2 Samuel 8:1 this morning and it says, “After this David defeated the Philistines and subdued them, and David took Metheg-ammah out of the hand of the Philistines.” I wondered what Metheg-Ammah was and it is translated as bit and bridle, or control and authority. David defeated the Phillistines control and authority over Israel and broke off the bit and bridle that we placed in their mouths to control them. Psalm 32:9 and James 3:3 speak of the bit and bridle and tools of control. So, for David to defeat and subdue the enemy who had authority and control over Israel was a huge statement and the Lord says, He is removing the bit and bridle of Babylon from His people. Babylon’s authority and control over us is being broken, so we God’s people can be free to follow Him, see Him, hear Him, love Him. Oh friends, we are living in biblically historic days.