In no uncertain terms I heard the words, “NOW IS THE APPOINTED TIME!” It was so clear, I could not deny what the Lord was saying, but the question I had was the appointed time for what? We can hear something from the Lord and assume we know what He is talking about, but unless we ask Him questions, we may assume one thing and He is saying another thing. The appointed time for what, is the question I needed answerered before declaring to you, NOW IS THE APPOINTED TIME.

Isaiah 49:8-9 says, “Thus says the LORD: In an acceptable time I have heard You, And in the day of salvation I have helped You; I will preserve You and give You As a covenant to the people, To restore the earth, To cause them to inherit the desolate heritages; That You may say to the prisoners, ‘Go forth,’
To those who are in darkness, ‘Show yourselves.’”

NOW IS THE APPOINTED TIME for the salvation of the nations; for us to cut covenant with God alone; to restore the earth; to inherit desolate hearitages; to say to prisoners, go free and to those in darkness, show yourselves. This is what time it is. We are no longer waiting, we are now working. We work by making decrees, we work by speaking up, we work by consecrating ourselves, it is harvest time, it is the appointed time, it is now time.

We have been told Isaiah 61, arise and shine, but it is also Psalm 68, let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Friends, NOW IS THE APPOINTED TIME! For salvation of a nation, deliverance of people, freedom for captives, favor to rest on you, prosperity to locate you, power to envelop you, and healing to consume you. We are not waiting any longer, NOW IS THE APPOINTED TIME, says the Lord!