The narrative shift that has begun is so massive, many people will think it too good to be true. We have been so abused, used and taken advantage of by people, that when generosity shows up we are going to view it with suspicion. We are so accustomed to Proverbs 22:7 “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.” Because this is all we have known, we have a guard up to protect ourselves from getting hurt by those who we think are ruling over us and are out to harm us. It is no fault of your own you believe this to be true, for this has been our reality for so long.

The narrative shift is about leaders who are not in your life to take from you but to give to you, without an agenda attached. Jesus came to the earth to give us forgiveness of sins and the Pharisees and many other religious Jews could not make the narrative shift, for they were so accustomed to being ruled by oppressive laws and people, when generosity showed up, they could not handle it, so they resisted it. Jesus never forced anyone to believe who He was, for He knew who He was, so He just manifested generous love, grace, truth, patience and power. He was perfect, we are not, so we must pivot when we are told this is not helpful to me. Humility is the willingness to hear the heart of another and make the needed adjustments.

The narrative shift is going from oppression to generosity; we are moving from being rejected to being loved; from being oppressed to being liberated; from being abused to be celebrated; the narrative shift is palpable and many are seeing it, hearing it, but still not sure if it is genuine. Friends, we have known lack of all we need, love, grace, mercy, patience, kindness, but we are about to experience and abundance of the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). It is going to take time to shift the narrative in our minds, for our history says it’s too good to be true, but reality is, this is the new!