We have been redesigned as a “new creation” to function Spiritually beyond the partition that Christ’s sacrifice “rent in twain” (2Cor.5:17-20; Mt.27:51).

We are being remade into Christ’s image, “conformed” so that we interact with God “as He is” in order to experience the “so are we” which eventually will become “face to face” (Ro.8:29; 1Cor.13:9-13; 1Jn.4:17).

Our redesign as a “new creation” enables us to actually participate with God: functioning in, by and through His very own Spirit (Jn.4:23-24; Eph.2:13-18). Notice what authentically activates us as a “new creation,” however: His Spirit (Ro.8:16). And by continuing to conduct life first and foremost by His Spirit joined with our spirit, the God-charged soul is carried by the grace of a God-energized body: changed and experiencing what I have called: “The Supernatural Exchange.”

We, the “new creation”- as first spirit, then soul, then body- truly function with God from ‘inside-out,’ not the ‘outside-in.’ Or, from our ‘place’ in the Kingdom in the earth, from having been “made to sit together in heavenly places” and as one “who died, whose life is now hidden with Christ in God” (Mt.6:10; Eph.2:6; Col.3:3).

Since “all things are become new” as well as “and all things are from God,” our source of life- our very identity itself- has been forever changed (2Cor.5:17; Ro.8:13). We truly are “strangers and pilgrims” (1Pe.2:11). Since we no longer live a ‘normal’ life, our new origin and personhood changes our purpose and goal of life as well as our sense of belonging and ultimate destination.

As a “new creature” we do not seek out ‘help from God’ for somehow rising to compete with or somehow rival our surroundings, prioritizing efforts to establish ourselves in ways that ultimately point to us instead of Him (2Cor.10:12-13; Eph.1:14). We do not ‘employ God’ to work His Kingdom power to make living amenable to our insecurities and fears in order to eliminate the need for faith (Heb.11:6). Instead, we allow Him to deploy us to represent Christ in order that others are set free from the sin which manifests the life traits we no recognize as our own.

We- as a “new creature-” start with God, because life itself flows from Him, not from us to somehow locate Him (Jn.7:38). We allow God to reveal, direct and empower life, fully recognizing that once it’s received there may be opposition to what’s promised, but the persevering power provided results in great blessing which accompanies each victory, a true praise and increasing intimacy with Him not only authentic, but charged with an impartation which becomes contagious (Php.1:6, 2:13; Heb.10:35-38a; 2Cor.1:2-6).

As a “new creation” you are no longer adequate for natural life; you cannot self-originate and determine goals and then simply look to God for supernatural assistance, or even worse: ‘when all else fails.’ (Mt.6:10).

The call is clear: you have been recreated “for His pleasure;” you have been made “God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (Rev.4:11; 1Pe.2:9 NIV). This means the life of a “new creature” is forever different from “the old man” (2Cor.5:17 NASB; Col.3:9 KJV).
“We don’t speak about these things with words taught us by human wisdom, but with words taught by the Spirit, as we explain spiritual things to spiritual people. A person who isn’t spiritual doesn’t accept the things of God’s Spirit, for they are nonsense to him. He can’t understand them because they are spiritually evaluated” (1Cor.2:13-14 ISV).

Bill Click


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