A New Esther Moment

This week we have been invited to join a nationwide time of prayer and fasting for our children and for our nation. This event has been called a last stand for America. In scripture we see Abraham asking for mercy toward the righteous in Sodom and Gomorrah, Moses interceding for the children of Israel in the desert, and Daniel repenting on behalf of Israel while in captivity. (Gen 18, Ex 32-33, Dan 9) What was the result? The righteous were removed from Sodom and Gomorrah before destruction, the children of Israel saw the glory of the Lord and received the promised land, and the exiles were given their freedom and the temple was rebuilt. There is great power in prayer!

A Million Women isn’t just a good idea, instead it is a reflection of revelation given to many intercessors across America. In Lou Engle’s words, “Welcome to the American crisis! Welcome to a new Esther Moment! The Lord is summoning A Million Women, Esther’s young and old, with their husbands and children, to descend upon the Washington D.C. Mall this Saturday, October 12, the actual Day of Atonement, in a LAST STAND moment for America. There, Esther will PRAY, FAST, and cry out for her children, for death has climbed through our windows (Jeremiah 9:21). There, she will find healing and deliverance in the presence of worship. There, she will apply the blood of Jesus to the doorpost of our personal and national guilt, and declare the victory of the Cross over witchcraft and the powers of darkness. There, she will take her STAND and inject herself into the public battle for the revival and reformation of America.”

“There are moments in history when a door for massive change opens. Great revolutions for good or for evil occur in the vacuum created by these openings. It is in these times that key men and women, even entire generations, risk everything to become the hinge of history: the pivotal point that determines which way the door will swing.” (From “Give Him 15, October 7, 2024)

Come and join the Gate DC family this Saturday as we will be joining intercessors from around the nation on the National Mall to swing wide the heavenly gate so the King of Glory can come in! The location is at 7th St, between Madison and Jefferson Drives starting at 9am and continuing until 6pm. Please bring water, snacks (if not fasting) and a chair or blanket for your own seating. Come and be an agent of change. Be a history maker. Release the sound of the coming King!

by: Maryann LeVine

(No evening Gate meeting Saturday Oct. 12)
Intercession and Prayer Zoom Meeting

Every Monday and Thursday night https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83475252541?pwd=U2hwb1A3OUF5Q1J0NlB2ZHhvR1lTdz09

from 8.30pm-9.30pm

Contact Jeffrey@thegatedc.com for more information

Healing Summit Part #2

Friday night, October 25, 7p-9p

Whole Word Fellowship, Chapel on the hill

Livestream from Oasis Church with signs and wonders following!

Ministry Teams from The Gate DC will be Praying for Healing

Harp and Bowl


Friday November 1, 2024

On the first Friday evening of every month Jeffry Nasta facilitates Worship Intercession. This is an opportunity to gather in the presence of the Lord and encounter Jesus in prayer and intercession.

Spending time in His presence in prayer, worship and intercession develops intimacy with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Gate DC is the Father’s House of Prayer gathering at 10922 Vale Road, Oakton, VA.

Healing and Deliverance Saturday November 2


Healing Rooms will be open on Saturday Nov. 2, Noon to 3


No appointment is necessary. Trained teams will pray for you for the healing power and presence of the Lord Jesus to heal you.


Deliverance ministry is available on Saturday November 2, by



Trained team members will minister to set you free.

Free Deliverance Training

Saturday November 16, 10a-3p

Whole Word Fellowship, Chapel on the hill, Hearthstone Room

Learn how to open prison doors and bring freedom to the captives. Please register as lunch will be provided


For more information on meetings: steven@thegatedc.com

Preparing the Future Church Conference Audio Only

Ken Fish teaches



Becca Greenwood and Ken Fish answer questions:(Some issues with the recording overlapping at the beginning)



Becca Greenwood and Ken Fish give Prophetic words:



Becca Greenwood teaches:


Weekly Home Fellowship Gathering at the LeVine’s

Every Tuesday Night at 7.00pm

Contact steven@thegatedc.com for more information.

The Gate meets every Saturday night at 7:00

We look forward to meeting with the Lord and with each of you face to face as we worship Him, grow in His Word and do the Works of Jesus each week.


Intercession and Prayer Zoom Meeting

Every Monday and Thursday night https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83475252541?pwd=U2hwb1A3OUF5Q1J0NlB2ZHhvR1lTdz09

from 8.30pm-9.30pm

Contact Jeffrey@thegatedc.com for more information

Stay informed on Face Book @thegatedc

or by checking the Web Sitewww.thegatedc.com

NEW!!! Book Club!

Read a book together and come together for monthly discussion.

NEW BOOK: The Secret of the Anointing by Kathryn Krick

Date TBD contact: Julia

If you visit Florida come to The Gate in Florida

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