Rachel Lynn Lawrence, Kathi Pelton & Veronika West: Breakthrough Visions & the A Million Women Event

Rachel Lynn Lawrence, Kathi Pelton & Veronika West
Oct 18, 2024



Editor’s note: Below is a compilation of prophetic words and visions from the A Million Women event in Washington D.C., which took place on October 12, 2024. We pray you’ll be encouraged and continue to pray! A great battle was won on this day for our families, our children, and this nation. Let us come into agreement with God and continue to press in for the complete victory in Christ!

Glory from Sea to Shining Sea
by Rachel Lynn Lawrence

October 13, 2024:

The day after the Million Women Prayer event in Washington D.C., I heard the Lord instruct me to appropriate the victory in the region where I live. I urge you to do the same. Stand with, declare, and appropriate Jesus’ victory! (Photo of Rachel Lynn Lawrence)

As I declared this in our church’s prayer time, the Father spoke forth this word, filled with revelation and expectation for His glory to cover America. He said, “There’s a brilliance now sparkling over the USA… It’s My glory.

“Waves of glory are mounting forth. Waves of My glory are rising. My Spirit hovers over the expanse between sea to shining sea. My Spirit is brooding from sea to shining sea.

“Don’t you see it? Don’t you see it?

“The dam of Ishtar has been broken. The dam of indecency has been obliterated. The dam of Baal has been broken over America by the cries of My people and by the washing and regeneration of My Word. The blood of Jesus is, once again, striped across America.

“As My Spirit hovers and brings life, the world will watch in amazement at the glory that will go forth. As My Spirit glistens My glory, it will begin to disperse in streams—streams that emanate My glory. These streams will flood their banks into regions. No area in America is safe from the overflow of My Spirit and My presence which is about to burst forth.

I heard the Father laugh a sonic-boom type of laugh, a laugh full of love, a chuckle that resounded.

“There’s no holding back now. Oh, there’s no holding back now. There is NO holding back now.”

I felt in my spirit to declare a grand reversal of the United States, to declare a grand repentance back to one nation under God.

Then the Lord spoke, “The opposition will mount up, but alas, they will be crushed by My waves. (Photo via Pexels)

“Purified Church, don’t hold back My presence. Purified Church, don’t dam up My presence; keep crying out for it; keep contending for it. The time is now!

“My people, ‘We the People,’ the people of America, I’ve heard. Oh, I’ve heard.

“I’ve seen the tremblings of your heart in the acknowledgment of My awe and glory. I’ve collected your tears in the bowls of Heaven; they are mixed with incense, they are mixed with My Son’s blood, and they are mixed with petition prayers. They are being poured out in power and glory in the expanse, even now, from sea to shining sea!”

Lastly, I heard the Father begin to sing “America the Beautiful” over our nation.

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
(“America the Beautiful” by Katharine Lee Bates)

Surely, He has heard our cries. Glory to God Almighty! We appropriate Your Son’s blood upon our nation.

“In my distress I called upon the Lord; to my God I cried for help. From His temple He heard my voice, and my cry to Him reached His ears.” (Psalm 18:6)

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16)

A Vision for America
by Kathi Pelton

October 16, 2024:

Last week, on October 12th (the Day of Atonement), the A Million Women event took place at the Mall in Washington D.C. It was a gathering for those hungry to see the Lord’s hand cover this nation, and a time to fast and pray in unity as a LAST STAND moment for America. Over 250,000 modern-time Esthers gathered on the National Mall in D.C., while over fifty nations joined into the online live broadcast. (Photo of Kathi Pelton)

During this event, I had a vision for America.

In this vision, I was shown a massive airtanker flying over our nation. Below, on the land, there were demonic wildfires that were out of control, all across the land—across all fifty states.

Then I saw this massive airtanker begin to release what looked like red fire retardant upon these fires. But as I looked closer, it was not fire retardant but rather blood being poured upon these fires and upon the land.

The blood of Jesus was being released from the prayers going forth from millions of Americans praying and repenting, fasting and decreeing, and travailing and worshiping as ONE. The blood of Jesus was the fire retardant that would stop the spread of these demonic fires.

Throughout all fifty states, joined by fifty nations, there was a corporate cry of unity and oneness from the Esthers and Mordecais of our day to save the nation. We cried out for Israel, for the unborn, for those caught in gender confusion and alternate lifestyles, for racial injustices, for righteous government, and for the Lord to receive His rightful inheritance in America. We decreed simultaneously, “No King but Jesus!”

The blood of Jesus speaks better things than the blood of Abel (see Hebrews 12:24)!

I have been in many prayer gatherings in Washington D.C., but this one felt different. It was the fulfillment of a prophetic word, it was a kairos time, and it was anointed with oneness with God and one another. It was a manifestation and answer to Jesus’ prayer in John 17:20–24:

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in Us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me. I have given them the glory that You gave Me, that they may be one as We are one—I in them and You in Me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that You sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me.

“Father, I want those You have given Me to be with Me where I am, and to see My glory, the glory You have given Me because You loved Me before the creation of the world.”

God called my family to move to the Washington D.C. region in 2019 for a prayer assignment. We lived there throughout the 2020 elections and throughout the global pandemic. During that time, I was given a significant dream about America that took place on the National Mall in DC. (Photo of the A Million Women gathering via Lou Engle’s Facebook Page)

In that dream, “In God We Trust” was restored to our nation, and the glory of the Lord lit up Washington D.C. with a heavenly light. But it took the nations crying out as one for this to happen. Now we have seen this happen a number of times in 2024.

God is redeeming America. The cries of His people throughout our nation and throughout the nations are bringing forth one voice and one sound as we cry out for mercy. The nations know that what happens in America affects every nation!

The blood of Jesus is being poured over our land to put out the fires of deception, perversity, destruction, robbery, injustices, and death.

“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. Through Him you believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and glorified Him, and so your faith and hope are in God.” (1 Peter 1:18–21)

We are being cleansed by the precious blood of Christ; that is our hope and our faith! As the lyrics to the song “You Are the Lord” say:

Every other god is an idol
Who cannot see and cannot hear
There is one true living God
There is one true living God

(You Are The Lord, by Jessica Barron and Tim Reimherr)

His name is Jesus!

Silver and gold cannot redeem us, the power and strength of man cannot save us, but there is ONE TRUE LIVING GOD that will. His name is Jesus!


A Vision of the Washington Monument
by Veronika West

October 13, 2024:

I truly stand amazed at the A Million Women Esther gathering that took place in D.C., with the Washington Monument in the background and the Capitol Building in the distance. (Photo of Veronika West)

In 2021, the Lord gave me a powerful vision of the Washington Monument, and this is what I saw:

I saw the tip of God’s finger touch the Washington Monument, and it looked as if He had pricked His finger. I saw just one drop of blood fall, and I watched as the blood began to run down the monument and onto the ground.

As the drop of blood touched the soil of the nation, I felt the land begin to shake violently, and I suddenly saw the monument crack in two.

I watched as one side of the monument went to the right and the other went to the left. As I looked at the two sides of the cracked monument, I saw a “v” shape appear before me, and I heard these words: “vindication” and “victory”!

As I heard this, I looked again at the “v” shape, and suddenly it was as if I was looking down the shaft of a silver arrow. I could see the sharp tip of the arrow placed in the middle of the “v” shape, which now looked like the crosshairs of a bow.

Then, as I looked through the crosshairs of the bow, I saw the White House, and I heard these words: “For My eye is upon this nation, and the crosshairs of My bow and the silver tip of My arrow are now pointed at the White House; for My eye is upon the White House in this hour, for victory and triumph!

“I say, just one drop of My blood has the power to break and shatter the chains of witchcraft and demonic oppression over a nation. Just one drop of My blood has the power to sift and separate the goats from the sheep—just one drop of My blood! Yes! Just one drop of My blood has the power to purge and purify the land!

Again I say, just one drop of My blood has the reformation power and authority to bring a nation to birth in one day!

Rachel Lynn Lawrence
Charismatic Theologian

Email: rachellynnlawrence@gmail.com
Website: www.charismatictheologian.org

Rachel Lynn Lawrence is a writer, speaker, and emerging prophetic voice who has served as a Theology Judge for Christianity Today and has been featured on the 700 Club. Rachel is passionate for people to experience intimacy with Jesus, grow in prayer, and steward the gifts of the Spirit through emphasizing abiding first in Jesus and bearing the fruits of the Spirit. She earned her Master’s of Divinity degree, with a specialization in Renewal Theology, and is pursuing a Doctor of Ministry through Randy Clark’s Global Awakening Theological Seminary. Rachel and her husband, Steven, delight in their four children ages six and under. She and her family are active members of Oasis Church, where she is on staff as the Discipleship and Prayer Director and is involved with leading prayer, inner healing and deliverance, and altar ministry teams through their outreach ministries, Hope Night Wisco, Pray Wisconsin, and Churches on Fire. Rachel provides equipping and resources, and will be soon launching a podcast on prayer at charismatictheologian.org and Instagram @gracefultheologian.


Kathi Pelton
Inscribe Ministries

Email: jkpelton@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.inscribeministries.com

Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton live in Portland, Oregon. Jeffrey is a writer, teacher and book editor. Kathi is an author and prophetic voice to the Church. They walk with nations and individuals to see God’s original intent fulfilled. Their ministry, Inscribe Ministries, was founded upon the verse from Habakkuk 2:2 that says, “Then the LORD answered me and said: ‘Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.'”

Veronika West
Ignite Ireland Ministry

Facebook page: click here

Veronika West has been anointed and appointed by God as a prophetic voice to the nations. Veronika has a heart to see everyone in the Body of Christ fully activated and released in their Kingdom identity, purpose and destiny. Being born and raised in Africa, she also has a passion for deliverance ministry and seeing the hand of God set free the captives that are bound. She enjoys teaching the Word of God through practical application and supernatural impartation. Veronika heads up Ignite Ireland Ministries, and currently teaches a broad range of prophetic truths to those who are actively seeking to walk in deeper realms and dimensions of the prophetic ministry and office. Veronika is married to Andrew West, and together they have two children.

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