Trump’s re-election is a merciful miracle. That is why 2025 oozes with promise. But 2025 is a two-edged sword.
One edge is unmatched opportunity. The other edge is soul crushing adversity. It will be a mixture of breakthrough and bitter disappointment. You must be ready to face both.
Do you want to be ready for 2025? Here is your starting verse: Matthew 10:16, “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”
There will be a visitation of God in 2025.
But there are also going to be shocking events.
Let me list them.
-There is a smear campaign coming against Trump and Christians worse than anything you saw during the campaign.
-Reputations will be assaulted in record numbers. The Deep State Left will do this as a smoke screen to cover the disastrous failure of Wokeness.
Blue states are going to rebel. They will double down on their oppostion to Trump.
They will try to manufacture another health crisis in order to seize power and shut down churches. These blue states will align themselves with China. Violent crime and perversion will intensify in sanctuary cities. But this will all collapse. It be the final hurrah of Wokeness.
Meanwhile in the church:
You will see an increase of pastors remaining silent on the things God hates: Abortion, the LGBTQ agenda, and they will openly teach that the Bible is not inerrant. You will see preachers condoning brazen immorality. The activity in some attraction churches will be even more bizarre than ever.
On the other hand, many great churches who have remained faithful, plus new churches, will rise up and have powerful influence on America.
Violent crime and perversion will intensify in sanctuary cities for a short season.
But God will do awesome things in 2025.
-God will release a great prosperity to the righteous who care for the poor. You will see inventions and strategies revealed to vessels who can be trusted not to give in to materialism.
-The greatest harvest of souls in our lifetime will come in 2025.
-The fastest growing churches in America will feature the presence of God, true worship, deep repentance, signs and wonders, and a focus on preaching the doctrines of the Bible. For the first time, they will grow faster that the attraction churches.
Here now are the five things you must do to be ready for 2025:
1. Be as wise as a serpent.
Do you want to be ready for 2025? As I stated above, here is your starting verse: Matthew 10:16, “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” What does it mean to be as wise as a serpent?
It means you know what is coming. It means you see through lies. You are going to be tested.
People you trust are going to turn against you. The Devil is going to put false symptoms on your body. He is going to try to divide your family. Things that some are hoping for will fall through, and they will be broken by disappointment.
Prepare for storms—man made storms. Storms can make you bitter, cynical, depressed, and paralyzed by unbelief. Satan wants to attack your faith so that you miss your assignment.
Defeat unbelief with wisdom. Let wisdom give you the eyes to see through the evil, the traps, and the betrayal. Rejection and disappointment will not wound your spirit.
The wise will understand that some of the changes we want in America will come slower that we expected. Jesus said “By Your patience possess your soul.” Luke 21:19
2. Be as harmless as a dove
Do not let evil times harden your heart. 2 Peter 2: 7 says “and delivered righteous Lot, who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked 8 (for that righteous man, dwelling among them, tormented his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds)— 9 then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment,”
Keep a firm grip on your joy and expectation. Unbelief will rob you of miracles. An effectual door will open but you can miss it. You can be so jaded by the vileness of our age that you miss the time of your visitation.
Prepare for the worst and plan for the best. Don’t just recognize approaching storms—recognize God sent blessings and opportunities.
Think big. Listen for inventions and ideas that will prosper you. Be bold in your faith. Stay away from negative believers. Reject heresy hunters. Do not dwell on church scandals.
Stay harmless unto God and you will be incredibly harmful to Satan.
3. Discern the purpose of Trump.
Trump cannot save America. He can only buy time for the church to repent and rise up to reform America. Here is the catch: the majority of the church has not repented. That means they do not know or care what it means that Trump is president.
They are not with us in the war for the soul of America. But here is the good news: a remnant is enough to turn the tide. 1 Samuel 14:6, “Then Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the Lord will work for us. For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few.”
We may be few but we are more than enough. Let the miracle of Trump make you bold. The central victory of this last election was for free speech. You must keep talking about the issues. You must keep bringing passion to schoolboard meetings. We must understand that the culture war is just beginning.
4. Find a church that is speaking out.
Gathering ourselves together with like-minded, spirit-filled patriots is more important than ever.
If you are lingering in a dead, compromised church hoping to change it, wake up! You are on a suicide mission. You cannot change them. Meanwhile, you are wasting valuable time.
Isn’t it bad enough if your job, your child’s school, and life in general is draining you? Why should your church also drain you? Why are you financing institutions that are as damaging to America as the Democrats?
You need to be in a service where you can hear from God, be trained for spiritual warfare, and leave refreshed.
5. Pray the Lord of the Harvest and bring in the harvest.
Matthew 9:37-38, “The harvest is so great, and the workers are so few,” He told His disciples. “So pray to the One in charge of the harvesting and ask Him to recruit more workers for His harvest fields.”
I am preparing for the largest crusades of my life. In Tulare, California, we saw something we had never seen before: It was easier to get the unsaved into the Tent than it was to get Christians.
All of my pastor friends tell me that souls are getting saved in their services like never before.
America is a great contradiction. Our culture opposes Jesus. It ridicules those who seek God. And yet, at the same time, more are coming to Jesus than ever before.
The misery of Wokeness has ripened souls toward God.
John 4:35, “Do you think the work of harvesting will not begin until the summer ends four months from now? Look around you! Vast fields of human souls are ripening all around us and are ready now for reaping.”
Let Jesus use you to win souls in 2025!
If you do these five things you will thrive—you will be mightily used of God—your loved ones will be blessed and redeemed, and we will get our country back!